Registration Rules and Regulations (B Regulations)

1. Introduction

The Kennel Club Board shall maintain a number of separate registers including:

a. The Breed Register for each purebred dog of a breed that has been accorded full recognition by The Kennel Club. In special circumstances, dogs of impure or unverified breeding may be entered, at the discretion of The Kennel Club Board, in the Breed Register in accordance with Regulation B2c.

b. The Imported Breed Register for each pure bred imported dog of a breed not previously recognised, or of a breed which has been accorded full recognition by The Kennel Club but in which there has been no registration activity for 10 years.

c. The Activity Register for dogs ineligible for registration on any other register.

2. The Breed Register

a. Breeds given full recognition by The Kennel Club (i.e. for the purpose of classification, registration, competition and entry in the stud book) are listed at Annex A and are categorised as the Sporting Group (Hounds, Gundogs and Terriers) and the Non-Sporting Group (Utility, Working, Pastoral and Toys). Additionally certain sub-groups are also recognised, and are also listed at Annex A.

b. Subject to Regulation B21 no dog shall be entered in the Breed Register unless:–

1. Its parents are entered in that register and as being of the same breed, or

2. It or its parents are entered in the corresponding register kept by a kennel club with which The Kennel Club has a reciprocal agreement, or which has full membership, associate membership or contract partnership of the F.C.I. and as being of the same breed, or

3. It or its parents are entered in a recognised stud book and shown as being of the same breed, or

(4) As allowed by Regulation 2c below

c. Dogs of breeds already fully recognised, whose breeding is either impure or unverified, may be accepted for registration on the Breed Register. The registration certificate for a dog so registered will be annotated with an asterisk or asterisks in accordance with the agreed protocol (as amended from time to time) to indicate impure or unverified breeding. Such dogs will be similarly identified in the Breed Records Supplement. Except for cases to which Regulation B21 applies applications to register a dog under this Regulation will only be considered in the following special circumstances:

1. if the dog has been bred under authority granted in advance by The Kennel Club Board or
2. the dog/owner meet with the requirements set out from time to time by The Kennel Club Board
3. The Imported Breed Register

a. The Kennel Club Board may accept for entry in the Imported Breed Register an imported dog of a previously unrecognised breed if the dog is imported from a country either having a kennel club with which there is reciprocal agreement or which has full membership of the FCI or where there is a breed club maintaining a stud book and acceptable to The Kennel Club. The Kennel Club may, in its absolute discretion, refuse to recognise any proposed breed.

b. A breed given imported Breed Register status may be transferred to the Breed Register at a later date at the discretion of The Kennel Club Board. Applications to transfer a breed from the Imported Breed Register to the Breed Register should be made to The Kennel Club Board by the appropriate breed society in accordance with the guidelines most recently published.

c. Foreign breeds, previously eligible for entry on the Breed Register will be transferred to the Imported Breed Register in accordance with Regulation B1b where there has been no registration activity for 10 years.

d. Breeds on the Imported Breed Register will be de-classified if there has been no registration activity within the breed over a 10-year period.

e. Breeds already recognised by The Kennel Club Board for entry on the Imported Breed Register are identified at Annex A.

4. The Activity Register

a. Subject to any special circumstances, The Kennel Club Board will allow any dog of any ancestry to be registered on to the Activity Register.

b. Dogs registered on the Activity Register are eligible for competition in obedience classes, working trials, agility tests, flyball competitions, heelwork to music competitions, rally competitions and canicross races.

c. The progeny of dogs registered on the Activity Register are eligible for registration in this register only, regardless of the fact that one or other parent may be registered in the Breed Register.

5. Registration - general
An application to register a dog or litter, transfer, re-register, change or cancel the name of a dog, endorse a registration or register a kennel name must be made on the official forms provided by The Kennel Club, and by payment of the fee then current. All puppies in a litter must be registered by name on a single form, and within 12 months of birth. Applications to register litters more than 12 months old, or to register additional puppies omitted at the time of initial registration, will be considered for registration only in special circumstances.
6. Naming - general
Guidance as to the naming of dogs is given on the relevant application form. Particular attention is drawn to the use of kennel names.
7. Kennel names
The holder(s) of a kennel name granted by The Kennel Club Board has the sole right, so long as the kennel name is maintained, to use the kennel name as part of a dog’s name when registering a litter or changing the name of a dog. The procedure by which a kennel name is chosen, granted, used and maintained is given on the relevant application form.
8. Change of name

a. Addition of a kennel name. Subject as mentioned below, the registered name of a dog may normally be changed once only, and only by the addition of the owner’s kennel name to the existing name in accordance with Regulation B7 and the notes given on the application form. However, the name of a dog cannot be changed more than 30 days after the date of the first award which qualifies that dog for entry in The Kennel Club Stud Book.

b. Removal of a kennel name. If a dog is transferred back to the ownership of the original breeder(s), a kennel name added to its name as per sub-para 8a above, may be removed at the request of the original breeder(s). However, this may only be done provided that:
1. The written consent of the person(s) who added the kennel name is obtained
2. The dog has not gained entry into The Kennel Club Stud Book. Once a kennel name has been removed, no further alterations or amendments to the name will be permitted

Changing the original name. In exceptional circumstances, consideration may be given to changing a dog’s name on application by the breeder provided that:–

  1. such application is made within six months from the date of registration, and
  2. the application meets the requirements detailed on the application form

d. Notwithstanding the above provisions, the Kennel Club Board reserves the right to amend or cancel a Kennel Club registered name of a dog or a Kennel Name, if appropriate to do so, and in particular, if a registered name or Kennel Name is contrary to any naming requirements for the registration of a dog.

9. Naming of imported dogs
The name of an imported dog already registered with an organisation recognised by The Kennel Club cannot be changed except by the addition of the owner’s registered kennel name in accordance with Regulation B7. An application for change of name in such circumstances will be accepted free of charge if made at the time of importation. No further change of name will be allowed. In addition, the letters IMP shall appear as a suffix after the dog’s name on the registration certificate of all imported dogs (application for whose registration should be made in accordance with Regulation B13). 
10. Naming of dogs already registered within the British Isles
The name of a dog already registered with an organisation within the British Isles, recognised by The Kennel Club, cannot be changed on registration with The Kennel Club, except either by addition of the owner’s registered kennel name in accordance with Regulation B7 or by the addition of another word to the name in the case of a dog previously registered under a single word name. Letters denoting the club or organisation with which the dog was originally registered shall appear as a suffix after the dog’s name on the registration certificate as authorised by The Kennel Club Board. A list of the letters currently in use denoting the relevant organisation is attached at Annex B. Applications to register such dogs shall be made in accordance with Regulation B14.
11. Cancellation
If a registered dog dies before it has been entered for a trial or show or has been bred from, The Kennel Club Board may cancel the name on application by the registered owner.
12. Endorsements

a. General. The registered owner of a dog may, apply to place one or more endorsements on a dog’s records and to have the registration certificate annotated accordingly. The endorsements which may be placed are as follows:–

1. Progeny not eligible for registration
2. Not eligible for issue of an export pedigree

b. Conditions. The following conditions shall apply to the placing and removal of endorsements.

1. When a dog whose registration is endorsed is transferred to new ownership, the endorsement(s) will be maintained. However, the person who placed the endorsement(s) must bring the attention of the endorsement to the new registered owner(s) and obtain written and signed confirmation from the new owner(s), or an agent or authorised representative of a new owner(s), at or before the date on which the dog is physically transferred, that the new owner(s) is aware of the endorsement(s), regardless of whether or not the endorsed registration certificate is available. If requested, the person(s) who placed the endorsement(s) must be able to produce a copy of such confirmation. The confirmation notice must be in the pro forma template as prescribed by The Kennel Club from time to time.
2. If an acknowledgement, signed at the date of transfer by the new owner, is not obtained, in the form as prescribed by The Kennel Club from time to time then the endorsement may be lifted on application of the new registered owner.
3. Any endorsement may otherwise only be lifted with permission in writing of the endorser or of a person with the due authority from the endorser (in the event the endorser cannot give permission due to death or incapacity) or by The Kennel Club in appropriate circumstances.
4. Regulations B12.b.(1), (2) and (3) only apply where the registered owner who originally placed an endorsement on a dog's record, transfers the dog to a new ownership. If subsequent transfers take place, the endorsement becomes a matter between the parties involved. In such cases the registered owner placing the endorsement shall not be responsible if notification of the endorsement is not given to any new owner, and may exercise his right to decide whether the endorsement be maintained or removed subject to (5) below.
5. The Kennel Club Board reserves the right to impose, remove or maintain any endorsement. In particular The Kennel Club Board reserves the right to impose an additional endorsement ‘not eligible for entry in any event held under Kennel Club Rules and Regulations, nor any unlicensed event recognised by The Kennel Club’.

13. Imported dogs

a. Registration. The conditions under which imported dogs may be registered are as follows:-

1. Dogs of breeds already fully recognised, imported from countries having a kennel club with which The Kennel Club has a reciprocal agreement or which has full membership of the FCI or where there is a recognised stud book may be entered in the Breed Register. 
2. Dogs of unverified breeding may only be entered in the Breed Register in accordance with Regulation B2c
3. Dogs of breeds not fully recognised for the purposes of the Breed Register may only be entered in the Imported Breed Register and only in accordance with Regulation B3a
4. In all cases the Kennel Club requires that the import registration must confirm the true colour of the dog’s coat using the Kennel Club’s list of registration colour options for the specific breed (rather than the colour recorded with the overseas registry). DNA colour testing may be required to verify the application.

b. Documentation. Applications to register imported dogs must be accompanied by:

    1. A copy of the official export pedigree as supplied by an organisation in the country of export recognised by The Kennel Club, unless the dog is being registered under the provisions of B2c. This export pedigree should show the registered ownership of the person importing the dog
    2. If the export pedigree does not show the registered ownership of the person importing the dog, the applicant should send a copy of the registration certificate issued by The Kennel Club of the country from which the dog is being imported in the importer’s name

c. Quarantine. In the case of dogs entering the country, and subject to quarantine, applications to register the dog may be made whilst it is in quarantine. However, registration itself will not take place until the dog has left quarantine

d. Government Regulations. Dogs entering the country either under the existing Quarantine Regulations or the Traded Dogs Regulations (Balai Directive) or the Pets Passports Scheme, must do so strictly in accordance with Government Regulations. The required documentation should be retained by the person importing the dog, and must be available if requested

e. Dogs already in the United Kingdom, for competition purposes, having obtained an authority to compete (ATC) number, which subsequently become resident in the United Kingdom, will need to be fully registered. Applications for registration should be made on application forms provided for that purpose

f. Provided that in all circumstances the controls on registrations as set out in the B Regulations prevail and pursuant to these Regulations any application for an import registration may be refused if in contravention of these regulations and/or such registration may be subject to cancellation if at a later date it is shown that it was made in contravention to these regulations.

14. Dogs already registered
A dog already registered with another organisation within the British Isles recognised by The Kennel Club may be accepted for registration on the Breed Register. Copies of the appropriate registration/transfer certificate and official pedigree as issued by the relevant organisation should accompany the application. Dogs so registered shall be named in accordance with Regulation B10.
15. Dogs being exported
On application and payment of the appropriate fee, The Kennel Club will provide a certified three generation export pedigree in respect of a dog registered prior to its leaving the United Kingdom. If the dog has not already been registered in the ownership of the first overseas consignee, application for transfer should be made at the time at which application is made for the export pedigree.
16. Multiple matings
If a bitch is served by more than one dog of the same breed as herself in the same heat, the identity of the correct sire of each puppy in the litter must be established via DNA testing in order to register the resulting progeny.
17. Artificial insemination

Artificial breeding.

a. Artificial insemination. Breeding by artificial insemination, with a view to Kennel Club registration, must be conducted in line with the requirements set out from time to time by the Kennel Club Board

b. Cloning. The registration of cloned dogs is not permitted.

18. Breeder
The breeder of a litter is the owner of the dam at the time of whelping unless a variation to this definition has been effected pursuant to the Regulations for loan or Use of a Bitch for Breeding Purposes as set out at Annex C.
19. Dogs with cropped ears

a. Registration. – The Kennel Club Board will not accept for registration any dog with cropped ears. Such dogs are ineligible to take part in or attend any Kennel Club regulated show, trial or working test.

b. Cancellations. – If any dog is registered in contravention of Regulation 19a, or has its ears cropped after registration, the registration will be cancelled as may the registration of the progeny of any such dog. Furthermore, the owner at the time of cropping of any such dog may be liable to action under Kennel Club Rule A11.

c. Cropped eared dogs remain eligible to take part in training classes and Good Citizen Dog Scheme classes organised by Kennel Club recognised clubs, societies and organisations.

20. Dogs for competitions

Dogs entered for any form of Kennel Club competition i.e. show classes, field trials, gundog working tests, obedience, working trials, agility, flyball, heelwork to music, rally and canicross races must be registered in the name of the person(s) making the entry. If, at the closing date for entries, the owner(s) have applied for but have not received The Kennel Club registration certificate, the dog shall be entered in the name shown as the first choice on the application form for registration and the name should be followed by the letters ‘N.A.F’ (Name Applied For). In the case of applications for transfer of ownership and change of name, the dog should be entered ‘T.A.F.’ (Transfer Applied For) ‘C.N.A.F.’ (Change of Name Applied For) where application has been made but not received. Dogs are exempt from registration in the following cases:-

a. Dogs either exhibited exclusively in classes specially exempted by The Kennel Club Board or in special classes sanctioned by the Board
b. Hounds belonging to recognised packs

21. Proviso
In certain instances Regulation B2b may be varied on the authority of The Kennel Club Board. The breeds concerned are listed in Annex D.
22. Control of registrations

The following additional provisions will apply:

a. The Kennel Club Board may reject any application made under these regulations and may cancel or suspend any registration or grant of a kennel name already made and may instruct any registration to be made
b. Specifically, The Kennel Club Board may suspend the registration of any dog which is banned from participation in any Kennel Club licensed event as a result of a biting incident. The same provision shall apply to any registered dog which is the subject of a successful criminal or civil action in the courts as a result of a biting incident
c. The Kennel Club Board will not accept an application to register a litter when:

1. The dam has already whelped four litters save in exceptional circumstances and only provided the application is made prior to the mating and with veterinary evidence as to the suitability of the bitch involved in the proposed whelping and permission has been received, or
2. The dam has already reached the age of 8 years at the date of whelping save in exceptional circumstances and only provided application is made prior to the mating, and the proposed dam has previously whelped at least one other registered litter and permission has been received. Any such application must be supported by veterinary evidence as to the suitability of the bitch involved in the proposed whelping, or
3. The dam was under one year old at the time of mating, or
4. The offspring are the result of any mating between father and daughter, mother and son or brother and sister, save in exceptional circumstances or for scientifically proven welfare reasons and permission has been received, or
5. The dam has already had two litters delivered by caesarean section, save for scientifically proven welfare reasons and this only provided the application is made prior to the mating.

The Kennel Club Board reserves the right to refuse any application made under Regulation B 22c (1), (2), (4) and (5).

d. In the event that a breeder is required by law to obtain a breeding licence, that breeder may be required to produce his/her licence to The Kennel Club. If such licence is not produced and/or no reasonable explanation is given, any applications to register litters may be refused.

e. Any person suspended and/or disqualified under The Kennel Club Rule A11.j.(5) and/or (9) may not be permitted to transfer their dog(s) or their kennel name to other ownership during the currency of the suspension/disqualification: the same will also apply while a complaint is under investigation.

f. As a condition of acceptance of the recording or maintenance of a registration made under these regulations, The Kennel Club Board reserves the right to require that DNA profiles be obtained for the parents/and or all/any puppies involved in a registered litter or for such litter to be satisfactorily verified by DNA parentage testing, or to require a DNA colour test to verify the true colour of a registered dog and/or veracity of a registration if deemed necessary.

g. A breeder must not sell Kennel Club registered dog/s to or via a commercial dog wholesaler or retail pet dealer or shop. Neither may a breeder indirectly allow dogs to be given as a prize or donation in a competition of any kind. If this regulation is contravened then The Kennel Club Board may refuse to accept litters for registration and/or refer the matter as a complaint under Rule A11.

23. Publicity
Any person claiming Kennel Club registration in an advertisement for a dog or its progeny may only include recognised Kennel Club qualifications in support of such advertisements.
24. Compliance with The Kennel Club's Rules and Regulations
A person applying for any form of registration is deemed to be and remain bound by The Kennel Club Rules and Regulations as amended from time to time.
25. Kennel Club registered dogs at licensed events
The use of electronic shock collars is not permitted at any event licensed by The Kennel Club; this includes all competitions, i.e. show classes, field trials, gundog working tests, obedience, working trials, agility, flyball, heelwork to music, rally and canicross races. This must apply at the venue, ground or within the precincts of the such venue or ground.