Mr R P Bott

Breed Judge ID
01757 611265
Grove House, 79 Brigg Lane
North Yorkshire
View Mr R P Bott judge profile

Retriever (Chesapeake Bay) appointments

(Please note that the breed average calculation for judging appointments undertaken during 2020 and 2021 will be affected by a reduced number of shows, due to COVID-19 cancellations. Appointments completed in the previous ten years are displayed below. Total number of completed appointments: 6)
Date Club name Sex judged Number of Dogs Judged Breed average
5 March 2026 Crufts - -
28 July 2023 Leeds City & District Canine Association 17 31
31 July 2021 Bath Canine Society 17 17
7 August 2019 United Retriever Club 27 28
14 August 2017 Bournemouth Canine Association 16 29
11 July 2015 East Of England Agricultural Society 26 26
10 May 2014 Birmingham Dog Show Society Ltd 24 22