The Kennel Club and Breed Clubs discuss new CC allocation model

A series of discussions have now taken place between The Kennel Club and breed clubs regarding the new Challenge Certificate (CC) allocation model, resulting in the sharing of a number of ideas aimed at invigorating the show scene, it has been announced.

The breeds invited to the discussions, held via a series of video conference calls, were those which currently have CC rotations and where the number of CCs available at breed club level is likely to be fewer than the actual number of clubs in the breed. Under the current arrangements, some breed clubs have to wait two or even three years between the scheduling of their championship shows.

The 11 breeds invited to the discussion sessions were Bulldogs, Bull Terriers, Chow Chows, Cocker Spaniels, Collies (Rough and Smooth), Dachshunds, German Shepherd Dogs, Old English Sheepdogs, Poodles, Welsh Corgis (Cardigan and Pembroke) and Yorkshire Terriers. At each session, representatives of the breed clubs and councils attended, as well as Kennel Club representatives. Almost all breed clubs responded to the invitation and were represented.

The new CC allocation model is being used to allocate CCs for the years 2024-28, the exact details of which will be announced in the first half of 2021. At each discussion, it was explained that the number of CCs available to breed clubs for the next allocation has been protected; however, this situation is likely to change with effect from 2029 when the appropriate scale will be applied to each breed.

Part of the discussions revolved around the idea of possible breed club amalgamation, which some breeds said they were embarking upon while others explained that they were currently looking into the concept. Some clubs said that amalgamation did not suit their situation. The Kennel Club stressed that it was not forcing any clubs to amalgamate and that no clubs would be de-registered; however, a reduction in the number of clubs in some breeds might be beneficial to the breed where there are complicated CC rotations coupled with falling numbers of exhibitors, lack of available committee members and a crowded show diary. The Kennel Club’s recent offer was reiterated of guaranteed yearly CC status from 2022 for ten years to any newly amalgamated club.

As the number of CCs allocated to each breed is directly related to show entry figures, discussion also took place on the other ways in which breed clubs could increase their breed entry figures with the consequence of receiving an increase in CCs with the potential for an annual championship show for each of their breed clubs. It was acknowledged that entry figures in the main are better at breed club shows, and it was encouraging to hear that where clubs work with general and group championship shows an improvement in entries resulted. In the long term this will increase the breed’s overall average and thus increase CCs all round.

Some breed club representatives explained that they had held partnership shows with general championship shows, either as a way of attracting a larger entry for their own open show (thus giving valuable hands-on experience to an up-and-coming judge) or to offer exhibitors two opportunities to compete for awards, points and CCs for reduced costs. Partnership shows not only created savings for the breed club but also for the exhibitors, and this has definitely resulted in much improved entries for the general championship show. A similar situation was also seen at back-to-back shows where a breed club holds its championship show the day before or after a general show at a nearby venue. In some cases, the breed club had been able to have input into the choice of judge at the partner show, resulting in breed specialists judging at both events.

Other ways of trying to improve entries were discussed, such as the holding of social events, e.g. Dog of the Year and similar competitions where exhibitors would be able to attend two competitions on two days. Of course one size does not fit all but all of the above highlights the range of options available to breed clubs to support their members and make improvements to the numbers of dogs being exhibited.

Kathryn Mansfield, Kennel Club Secretary, said: “The Kennel Club is very pleased with the positive and constructive way these discussions with the breed clubs have gone. The attendance was excellent and we would like to thank each and every breed club representative for taking the time and trouble to take part. We stressed that no decisions were being made on the day and that the clubs and councils in these 11 breeds have until the end of January to let us know exactly how they think their CCs should be allocated. We were very pleased to learn that some clubs were actually starting the amalgamation process while others are looking into the idea. For any clubs which choose this path, please know that the office will always provide information, support and advice.”

A press release regarding the new CC allocation model was issued on 20 October 2020.

Please direct all enquiries about the CC allocation to the Society and Show services team.