Accredited trainers sought for judges of agility

The Kennel Club is seeking to recruit Accredited Trainers for judges of agility, in order to meet the demands of Britain’s largest canine activity.

The successful trainers will be well established within the agility community, with an excellent knowledge and understanding of current Kennel Club rules and regulations. They will have good presentation skills using a range of different media, and an understanding of the different learning styles of individuals with the ability to engage with the participants.

They will be expected to plan seminars using course information provided by The Kennel Club; all seminars will consist of a range of presentation methods, including PowerPoint, group and interactive sessions, practical discussions and demonstrations and practical assessments. They will be expected to review and analyse participants’ courses, critique them and provide constructive feedback.

They will also be expected to participate in the mentoring scheme for newly qualified judges, carry out Continual Personal Development (CPD) assessments on established judges and provide support and constructive feedback to the individual and The Kennel Club.

Additionally, they will be required to attend the annual Accredited Trainers Seminar at The Kennel Club Building, Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, in October.

Applicants will need to submit a CV to demonstrate that they meet the following criteria:

  • Five or more years of regular judging experience
  • Judged at Grade 6 or above
  • Good presentation and teaching skills
  • Attended and passed the exam for the Agility Regulations and Judging Procedure seminar and attended and passed the Course Design and Judging Seminar; or passed the Regulations and Judging Procedure examination on the Kennel Club Academy and attended and passed an Agility Judging Seminar
  • Willing to travel to deliver seminars
  • Have a commitment to mentor newly qualified agility judges for their initial judging appointments
  • Willing to carry out CPD assessments on established judges

Those interested should send their applications to the Working Dog Activities Team via email. The deadline for applications is Thursday 3 August 2023. If you have previously applied please either resubmit your application or send an email to confirm you would still like to be considered.

All applications will be reviewed and shortlisted and the successful candidates will be invited to an assessment day to be held on Tuesday 12 September 2023 at The Kennel Club Building, Stoneleigh. Therefore, please ensure you will be available for this date should you be successful.