Changes to Bloodhound working trials regulations 2024

The Kennel Club has approved the following changes to the regulations for Bloodhound working trials.

The below regulation has been amended to clarify that a stake manager may not enter a hound recorded in their ownership or part ownership or resident at the same address, or handle a hound at the trial at which they are the stake manager.

Amendment to Regulation I(C)6.b.


  1. A stake manager must be appointed by the committee of the society for each stake who shall be responsible for ensuring that the Regulations are observed but may not interfere with the judges’ decisions which shall be final. The stake manager shall decide upon any matter not related to judging and not provided for in the Rules and Regulations and may call upon the judge or judges to assist in the decision which will be final. The stake manager should be present throughout the stake and must not enter or work a hound in that stake enter for competition a hound which is recorded in their ownership or part ownership or resident at the same address; or handle a hound at the trial at which they are the stake manager.

(Insertion in bold. Deletion struck through)

(Effective 1 January 2024)

The below regulation has been amended to change the timeframe for championship judging appointments to a rolling twelve month timeframe.

Amendment to Regulation I(C)7.d 


A person may be approved to judge one a Senior Stake in each calendar year commencing 1st January. may not judge another Senior Stake within a period of twelve calendar months.

(Deletions struck through. Insertions in bold)

(Effective 1 January 2024)