The Kennel Club Arts Foundation is a guardian of dog art. Its purpose is to create an archive of important canine artefacts and pieces of dog art and literature, which will co-exist alongside The Kennel Club's current collection. These items will be preserved and made available for the research, education and enjoyment of all visitors to the archive. Our registered charity number is 1114823.
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Our arts foundation welcomes donations of works of art, artefacts or books, relating to the dog. The charitable status of the foundation enables UK donors to obtain relief from inheritance tax on the value of a donation given to the foundation.
Gifts of cash, shares and securities, and certain land and buildings, made by a UK taxpayer during their lifetime may also qualify for income relief, as well as reducing the value of the donor's estate on which inheritance tax is ultimately paid. All donations, whether they are monetary or consist of a particular artefact or work of art, will contribute towards the growth and preservation of our wonderful collection of canine art and ephemera.
The trustees will be pleased to discuss with potential donors the details of any proposed gift, including its nature and timing. In the first instance, please contact Tom Mather, Chairman of the Trustees or Luisa Foster, Secretary to the Trustees on 020 7518 1064 or email The Kennel Club Art Gallery.
Donations and legacies for The Kennel Club Library or Art Gallery
The Kennel Club is proactive in its search for special collections, paintings, trophies and memorabilia. We are always interested to learn of new collections, artefacts or publications of substantial historical importance that might be suitable for donation. Accepted donations become part of 'Treasures of The Kennel Club', a collection that forms the most comprehensive archive of canine material in Europe.
What happens to my donation?
Artefacts donated to The Kennel Club can be assured of playing a significant role in the importance of the collection. Many of the special collections donated to the club are the result of years of personal research by the donor, which gives researchers access to a wide array of information, often unique in its content.
Paintings, trophies and other memorabilia are currently housed throughout The Kennel Club. We have an art gallery at Clarges Street in London, which provides a more permanent display of our artwork and memorabilia and allows greater access to researchers and the general public.
All artefacts are protected by an active conservation policy, including humidity and temperature controlled vaults and the advice of a team of experts.
If you wish to make a donation, or leave artefacts to The Kennel Club in your will, please contact The Kennel Club's Library and Collections Manager or The Kennel Club Secretary, in writing. They can be reached by emailing the library or by writing to: The Kennel Club Library, 10 Clarges Street, London. W1J 8AB.
What information should I include in my letter?
Where possible, your letter should include details of the artefact(s) you wish to bestow. Any information supporting the importance of the artefact(s) – such as its historical significance, an analysis of its condition and measurements – are most welcome as they assist the selection process.
Donations will be assessed for suitability. In some cases it might be necessary to view these items before making a final judgement. In all occasions where artefacts cannot be accepted, we will endeavour to provide details of an alternative collection where it would receive the care, attention and enjoyment a donor would wish.
Need more information?
Please contact the library and collections manager, using the details below.
Address: The Kennel Club Library,
10 Clarges Street,
London W1J 8AB
Phone: 020 7518 1009
Fax: 020 7518 1058
Send an email to The Kennel Club Library.