Introduction to the trust
The Kennel Club Educational Trust (Registered Charity No. 1121454).
The Kennel Club Educational trust is a dog charity that looks after the education and training of all those connected with dogs. They make a difference by funding a wide variety of work that focuses on the following objectives:
- to promote dog education in the wider community including young people, schools and voluntary organisations
- to support educational and voluntary institutions through the awarding of grants
- to manage The Kennel Club's venues at which education, training and dog related activities are centered
- to ensure that best value and impact is achieved through the money spent on behalf of The Kennel Club
How to apply for a grant
The Kennel Club Educational Trust will consider applications for funding from individuals, organisations or groups.
- Applications must meet The Kennel Club Educational Trust’s objectives
- Applicants must specify the amount of funding required, along with a breakdown of individual costings
- All applications must be made using our online application form
The Educational Trust's Trustees
- Gerald King (Chairman of The Kennel Club Educational Trust)
- Paul Rawlings (The Kennel Club Board, Chairman of The Kennel Club Accredited Instructors scheme, Field Trials Committee Member)
- Jeff Lloyd (Primary Education Consultant)
- Helen Geeson (YKC Management Team)
- Tony Allcock OBE (The Kennel Club Chairman)
We care about your privacy
For more information about how The Kennel Club Educational Trust manages your data, please read our privacy policy.