Quick breeding guide
When it comes to dog breeding, there’s lots to learn about, which is why we’ve created this guide to help you.
It’s important to take the time to consider whether breeding is right for you and your dog. You'll need to think about health screening, how to avoid inbreeding and find a potential mate that you think compliments your dog.
When it comes to dog breeding, there’s lots to learn about, which is why we’ve created this guide to help you.
If you’re thinking of breeding from your dog, find out if it’s the right thing to do and whether your dog is suitable.
Learn why breeders health screen before breeding and which schemes apply to your dog's breed.
Dog conformation refers to its structure and appearance. Discover its role in breeding decisions.
Learn to find a compatible stud dog, check health screening, and assess key qualities.
Find out how to manage and maintain genetic diversity when selecting a mate and how to avoid extreme inbreeding.
Regulations on dog breeding differ in all parts of the UK. Find out which regulations are in place across the country.
Just like choosing the right home for your puppies, it’s just as important that you choose the right insurance.
If you’re thinking of using your dog at stud, find out the essential qualities of a stud dog and things to consider before mating them.
If you're considering breeding crossbred puppies, learn about the risks and responsible practices.
If you choose not to breed your dog, consider carefully if neutering is the right option for both of you.
Neutered dogs may have different nutritional needs and you may need to think about how much they eat.
If you’re thinking of mating your dog, it’s essential that you know roughly when they’re going to be most fertile. If you’ve never seen dogs mate before, then you may have questions about what happens and what’s normal.
Female dogs are only fertile when in heat, so breeders need to be able to recognise the signs of heat and predict when a dog’s in season.
Find out how dogs mate, why they become ‘tied’, how long they stay joined and how you can know if your mating has been successful.
Artificial insemination (AI) is used to help dogs become pregnant without a natural mating. Find out how and when to use AI.
When breeding, it’s important to know whether your dog is pregnant, how long their pregnancy will last, what to feed your dog and what to do when she goes into labour.
Find out how to tell if your dog is pregnant, when to take her to the vets for a scan, how to look after her and how long until she whelps.
What you feed your dog during pregnancy makes a real difference and sets her and her puppies up for the best health possible.
Find out about whelping boxes, how to prepare for when your dog whelps, signs that she's going into labour and what to do when it starts.
Most dogs don’t have any problems whelping but complications can occur. Find out what can go wrong and what to look out for.
After pregnancy and whelping, new mothers need proper nutrition to support both herself and her puppies.
Losing a dog is devastating; take time to grieve and find ways to cope with the loss.
Having new puppies can be incredibly fun, but it's hard work. Find out what you can do to look after them and how to find them a loving family that will care for them throughout their lifetime.
Find out what to do as soon as your puppies arrive, how to tell if they’re feeding enough and how to care for them.
If you’ve helped bring a litter of puppies into the world, it’s important that you get them checked over by a vet. Find out what this involves.
Find out when to wean your puppies, how to wean them and what sort of food to give them for good overall nutrition.
Find out how to register your litter of puppies with The Kennel Club, including our rules and regulations.
Find out what endorsements are and how you can use them to protect your breeding lines or for welfare protection.
After your puppies have been born, it's helpful to know what to expect during the first few weeks of their lives.
Find out why breeders vaccinate their puppies, when to do it and which vaccinations are recommended for your puppy.
Find out everything you needed to know about microchipping your puppies, including when to have it done and why.
Find out how to prevent your puppies from getting worms, how often to worm them and signs they may be infected.
Find out how to begin to toilet train your puppies, when to start and common errors that owners and breeders make.
Read our hints and tips on ensuring your puppies have a balanced, healthy diet as they move on to solid foods.
Puppy diarrhoea is common but find out what causes it, how to look after your puppy and steps to take to prevent it.
Find out how to find your puppies a good home, how to advertise your puppies and questions to ask potential puppy buyers.
Find out how to create a puppy pack for your puppies new owners, what to include and what information to give them.
Just like choosing the right home for your puppies, it’s just as important that you choose the right insurance.