In addition to The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Training scheme's awards, there are a number of competitions that you can take part in with your dog.
Learn more about each of them below.
Good Citizen Dog Training scheme Special Pre-Beginner Obedience Stakes
All dogs entering a Kennel Club Licensed event must be registered either on the Breed or Activity Dog Register prior to the closing date of the show. Dogs must be at least 6 months old to take part at Kennel Club Licensed Obedience shows.
Heats will be held at open and championship obedience shows in 2022. This class will be a mixed sex class and will require one judge. In the event of the class being split due to high entry numbers a judge for each split part will be required. The judge will be appointed by the Show Society in accordance with current Kennel Club G Regulations. Rosettes and prize cards, 1st –10th place, and a winner’s trophy will be issued to all clubs running heats.
Show date | Name of show |
Saturday 23 April | BAGSD Oxhey Branch |
Sunday 1 May | Chesvale DTC |
Saturday 7 May | Burnbank DTC |
Sunday 8 May | St Edwards DTC |
Sunday 15 May | Plymouth DTC |
Saturday 21 May | Scottish Kennel Club |
Saturday 21 May | Loughborough DTC |
Saturday 21 May | Warlingham DTC |
Sunday 29 May | Exeter DTC |
Sunday 5 June | Petersfield & District DTC |
Thursday 16 June | Newton Heath DTC |
Saturday 18 June | Caterham Chipstead and Coulsdon DTC |
Saturday 25 June | Billingshurst DTC |
Sunday 25 June | Cheshire DTA |
Sunday 10 July | Midlands Obedience Society |
Sunday 10 July | Winchester City DTC |
Saturday 16 July | Aberdeen & Dist DTC |
Saturday 16 July | Culverstone DTC |
Sunday 24 July | North West Kent DTC |
Thursday 28 July | Wigton DTC |
Sunday 7 August | Hatchford Brook DTC |
Monday 8 August | Solihull DTC |
Saturday 13 August | Govan & District DTC |
Sunday 14 August | Danesford DTC |
Saturday 20 August 2022 | Ditton DTC |
Sunday 28 August | Wakefield DTC |
Sunday 28 August | Worcester DTC |
Sunday 4 September | Lichfield & Dist DTC |
Sunday 25 September | Belfast DSS |
TBC September | Lisburn & District DTC |
Qualifying for the final
Any subsequent wins gained by the handler or dog in Obedience classes after they have qualified will not alter their eligibility to compete in the final.
The overall winner of The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Training scheme Special Pre-Beginner Obedience Stakes Grand Final dog or handler, will not be permitted to compete in any further heats.
Young Kennel Club Final
Test information
- Play With or Motivate Your dog - 5 Points
- Heel on lead - 10 Points
- Examination of the Dog (handler to show judge) - 15 points
- Recall With Finish - 10 Points
- Control at Gate Exercise - 15 Points
Total - 55 points
1. Play with or Motivate your dog (handler’s choice - on or off lead) - 5 Points
It is recommended that the Judge commences with this exercise and that it last approximately 30 seconds. To show how a handler can motivate their dog in preparation for obedience work. Handlers may use a toy for this exercise. Play should be under the handler’s control and if it involves articles they should be readily given up by the dog. Play should be appropriate to the dog under test but should not include play fighting. Toys should be of a suitable size and texture. Formal exercises will not be deemed as appropriate. Any form of aggression must be penalised.
2. Heel on Lead - 10 Points
It is recommended that this exercise follows Play With or Motivate Your Dog and should last no more than one minute. This is an introduction to competitive heelwork and should be straightforward, include minimal turns and not more than two halts. A large circle is permissible in either direction, at the judge’s discretion. The handler should walk briskly and the dog should walk with its shoulder approximately level with and reasonably close to the handler's leg at all times while the handler is walking. The lead should be slack at all times. The test will start and finish with the dog sitting at the handler's side.
3. Examination of the dog (handler to show judge) - 15 points
The handler will show the judge how they can settle and examine their own dog. This exercise will be carried out on lead. The dog will be required to have its mouth, teeth, throat, eyes, ears and feet inspected when standing, sitting or lying down on either side or on its back. Handlers are not required to give a verbal explanation.
4. Recall with Finish - 10 Points
Recall from Sit or Down position at handler’s choice. Dog to be recalled by handler when stationary and facing the dog. Dog to return smartly to the handler, sit in front, go to heel – all on command of judge or steward to handler. This exercise will be carried out off the lead.
5. Control at Gate Exercise - 15 Points
Walk on lead through gate with the dog under control. Handler to start exercise with dog in the sit, down or stand position. Dog to wait while handler opens gate and walks through the gate. Handler to then recall dog through the gate on lead. Dog to then wait in stand, sit or down position, while handler secures the gate. The dog should not pull or be pulled through the doorway. Marks must be deducted for anticipation, tight lead or lack of control.
TOTAL: 55 Points
Frequently asked questions
- Does the play or motivate your dog exercise be conducted on or off the lead?
This exercise can be conducted on or off lead at the discretion of the handler. - Do I need to show my bronze certificate on the day of the show?
No, although for verification purposes random spot checks may be made by us either prior to or after the show date. - Is there a stay exercise in the test in 2022?
No, the stay exercise has been removed.
Good Citizen Dog Training scheme breed class
Our Good Citizen Dog Training scheme breed class was to further promote the scheme to all areas of the dog world. It is a breed-specific class for dogs who have achieved their Good Citizen Dog Training scheme Bronze Award or above (at the time of the show closing date). The class is judged on the individual breed standard and may be entered as a single class or in addition to another class that the dog is eligible for.
A rosette has been donated by The Kennel Club for the winner of each breed-specific class at all general and group championship shows.
Good Citizen Dog Training scheme breed class at Crufts
Dogs that have qualified for Crufts in their own breed and have also achieved their Good Citizen Dog Training scheme bronze award or above are eligible to enter the Good Citizen Dog Training scheme class.
AV Good Citizen Dog Training scheme stakes class
The any variety Good Citizen Dog Training scheme stakes class has been introduced to encourage show exhibitors to take part in the scheme. This is an any variety class for dogs that have achieved their Good Citizen Dog Training scheme Bronze Award or above (at the time of the show closing date.) The class is judged on the individual breed standard and may be entered in addition to a breed specific class that the dog is eligible for.
Prize money of 1st £50, 2nd £25, 3rd £10 and reserve £5 has been donated by The Kennel Club for the winner of each AV stakes class at all general and group championship shows.
Explore our list of shows holding the AV Good Citizen Dog Training scheme stakes class.
Shows for 2024 will be updated when it becomes available.
Good Citizen Dog Training scheme Annual Supermatch
Further details will be published when available.
Scruffts is the nation’s favourite crossbreed competition and is a great way to enjoy time with your dog and family. It is a fun competition, but it also seeks to stress important messages relating to responsible dog ownership. There is a specific Scruffts class open to crossbreeds who have achieved a Good Citizen Dog Training scheme bronze award or above. Heats are held throughout the year at various events.