Agility Team GB

Mia Steedman and Rosie. Credit Simon Peachey.

Welcome to the Agility Team GB page! Each year, The Kennel Club and Young Kennel Club proudly send competitors to compete internationally, representing the UK. Since 2001, Agility Team GB has achieved over 60 medals, including 20 Gold.

These events are usually free to attend, so come along and watch our teams showcase their skills!

Meet the 2025 Agility Team GB

Find out more about the team below.

The management team

Greg Derrett - Team GB Manager

Greg developed through The Kennel Club Junior Organisation (now called the Young Kennel Club) through to being a successful international handler at both the European Open Championships and FCI Agility World Championships, having won multiple medals in both individual and team events. As well as an international handler, Greg has years of experience in being a team captain, a team manager and an event organiser. These combined skills and wealth of knowledge will be applied to help Agility Team GB develop, achieve their goals and bring future success.

The team manager is responsible for managing all aspects of the team. Some of the tasks which the team manager will carry out include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Supporting the events team when they liaise with the event organisers about team arrangements, entries, and special arrangements regarding travel (especially with dogs) and any country-specific rules and regulations
  • Liaising with the coaching staff, ensuring that their responsibilities are understood and they are clear about their roles within the team. The team manager is also be responsible for allocating tasks at the event and ensuring good team working and support during the pre-event planning, during travel to and from the event and during the event itself
  • Having overall responsibility for ensuring that the team members are as well prepared as possible and are in a position to perform their best at the event
  • Managing, organising and running the qualifying events leading up to team selection (with the support of the events team)
  • Managing, organising, preparing and running official pre-event training days, pre-competition training sessions in liaison with the support of the events team
  • Ensuring that all team members, including support staff and coaching staff, are aware of the code of conduct, the event timetable, travel and accommodation arrangements and any special requirements before, during and after the event
  • Attending squad days, team training days, the performance weekend and any extra training and meetings as required. The team manager also works at both the Junior European Agility World Championships, European Open Championships and Agility World Championships

Matthew Goodliffe - Senior Coach

Matt has 22 years of experience in agility training, instructing, competing and judging. Matt has competed at both the European Open Championships and Agility World Championships, winning medals in both individual and team competitions. With the wealth of expertise, knowledge and professionalism that Matt brings to the role, we are confident that Agility Team GB will be taken to a new level, enhancing our medal prospects at the championships at all three heights. 

Some of the tasks which the senior coach will carry out include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Coaching team members at training sessions and at the European Open Championships (EOs), and Agility World Championships (AWC)
  • Being part of the selection committee and identify improvement opportunities for each team member, from selection to competition
  • Identification of future potential to invite to Pre-Selection Qualifier
  • Taking an active interest in the performances at, and the results of, the main Kennel Club finals (Olympia, Crufts)
  • Involvement in the running of team selection events and official training sessions
  • Delivering online presentations to the team (judge analysis, skill setting drills)
  • Providing team members with a PDF of the championship judge's sample courses including updating team members throughout the training period
  • Designing courses and drills for official training sessions
  • Designing specific drills in relation to championship judges for S.M.A.R.T. goal analysis

Anthony Clarke - Junior Coach

Ant has competed in agility for 22 years. He is a consistent winner at Young Kennel Club events (ADOY), and previously represented The Kennel Club at the Junior International Championships. Ant has gone on to win many of the biggest finals in the UK, and has won medals at the Junior Agility World Championships, the European Open Championships and the Agility World Championships. Ant is experienced in coaching both juniors and seniors in international agility teams, as well as having eight years of experience running and managing agility events. With Ant’s knowledge and experience he will be able to develop and increase our chances of winning further medals at the Junior Open Agility World Championships. 

Some of the tasks which the junior coach will carry out include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Coaching team members at training sessions and at the Junior Open Agility World Championships (JOAWC)
  • Being part of the selection committee and identify improvement opportunities for each team member, from selection to competition
  • Identification of future potential to invite to Pre-Selection Qualifier
  • Taking an active interest in the performances at, and the results of, the main Kennel Club finals (Olympia, Crufts) and Junior events
  • Involvement in the running of team selection events, official training sessions and additional junior team training sessions
  • Delivering online presentations to the team (judge analysis, skill setting drills)
  • Providing team members with a PDF of the championship judge's sample courses including updating team members throughout the training period
  • Design courses and drills for official training sessions
  • Design specific drills in relation to championship judges for S.M.A.R.T. goal analysis

Ann Roberts - Safeguarding and Support Officer

Ann has been appointed as the Safeguarding and Support Officer for Agility Team GB. Ann has over 30 years’ experience in helping children and young adults. Ann is currently an Inclusion and Attendance Manager in a school and is the designated safeguarding lead as well as the Educational Visits Co-ordinator (Overseas and Residential). In this role she is tasked with providing suitable training for staff, writing safeguarding policies in line with current legislation and liaising closely with students, parents and staff to identify and support any safeguarding/child protection concerns including online safety. With Ann’s expertise in this area, as well as 40 years of experience in nearly all aspects of dog agility, you can be assured that the team’s safety and welfare is at the forefront.

Some of the tasks which the Safeguarding and Support Officer will carry out include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Writing, advising on, and maintaining safeguarding protocols
  • Being a communication link between the coaching team and parents
  • Being a first point of contact for parents and the management team to share any concerns or seek advice on safeguarding concerns
  • Helping and supporting handlers and parents to ensure they are a fully prepared team member, both prior to the championships and at the event itself
  • Ensuring that all the management team and The Kennel Club staff in contact with children have received appropriate information on safeguarding issues
  • Advising on the best safeguarding practices and being kept up to date with any changes in the policies
  • Being responsible for the support of the well-being of team members at the championship
  • Supporting any vulnerable adults within the senior team (if required)

Dr. Victoria Fraser BVetMed MRCVS CCRT - Team Vet

Vicky is an experienced first opinion Small Animal Veterinary Surgeon and Certified Canine Rehabilitation Therapist currently working in a referral sports medicine, physiotherapy and orthopaedic referral practice. Her main area of focus is with sporting dogs, including pre- and post-season assessments along with fitness plans, injury prevention training plans, as well as resolving any injures which may occur.

Some of the tasks which the team vet will carry out include, but are not limited to, the following: 

  • Providing any necessary veterinary treatment for the teams whilst attending the championships (JOAWC, EOs, FCI AWC) abroad and ensuring travel paperwork and required treatments are completed before and during the event
  • Giving online presentations to the teams (on fitness, injury prevention, nutrition, hydration, travel)
  • Giving advice and help with warm up and cool down routines both pre event and during
  • Providing assistance with injuries during events
  • Offering professional services regarding tailored fitness plans for team dogs: 
    • speed, conditioning and strengthening
    • identifying and resolving individual weaknesses
    • injury prevention

Physio-Vet is the official vet practice for Agility Team GB.

Christina Davies - Results Analyst

Currently Tina is a statistician working for the NHS, designing and delivering analytical work and communicating the results to a variety of audiences including non-technical audiences. She is a grade 7 handler and a qualified agility judge with a keen interest in the national and international aspects of dog agility.

Some of the tasks which the Results Analyst will carry out include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Advising on:
    • team selection processes
    • selection of individuals to compete at the championships (JOAWC, EO’s, FCI AWC) including reserves
    • selecting the specific teams
  • Identification of future potential partnerships for invitation to Pre-Selection Qualifier
  • Data analysis and reporting of stated S.M.A.R.T. goals:
    • individual performance throughout selection process (including Olympia and Crufts)
    • team performance at championships (JOAWC, EOs, FCI AWC)
    • identifying areas of strength and weakness
  • Being responsible for video review procedure at selection events
  • Giving online presentations to the teams on the competition data analysis
  • Being a member of performance review panel concerning;
    • results
    • S.M.A.R.T. goals analysis
    • refining S.M.A.R.T. goals
    • selection process, performance and changes
    • management performance
European Open Championships (EO) team


  • Adam Watson with Cooper The Girl AW(P) (Cooper) – T&I
  • Cerian Kear with Fairfaxgame’s Blitzen (Blitz) - Reserve
  • Demi Wright with Kiss My Dust (Shelby) – T&I
  • Dylan Osborne with Ag Ch Devongem Well Jelly Baby (Jelly) - T&I
  • Katrina Hands with Ag Ch Set the Pace of Summergarden (Sizzle) T&I
  • Liz Naylor with Devongem Bright Skye at Hornspike (Skye) - T&I
  • Louise Godwin with The Fate Of The Furious At Vamonalou (Drift) - T&I
  • Lucy Conway with Mezonyx All In On Black AW(S) (Casino) - T&I
  • Martin Reid with Ag Ch Get It With Eager To Work (Selfie) - T&I
  • Shannon Springford with I’m Feeling Cheesy With Eager to Work (Halloumi) - I
  • Katrina Hands with I’m Going Wild of Summergarden (Wild) - Reserve


  • Amy Langman with I Did a Thing (Ollie) (T&I)
  • Ashleigh Butler with Glendream Another Monster of Ashpen (Nacho) - Reserve
  • James Adams with Ag Ch Devongem Tiz Gold Standard (Willow) - T&I
  • Jamie Wright with Dream On Dexter AW(P) (Dexter) - T&I
  • Liz Carpenter with Ag Ch Moseleywood Maggie AW(P) (Maggie) - T&I
  • Liz Carpenter with Ag Ch Moseleywood Winnie AW(P) (Winnie) - Reserve
  • Max Glover with Volume Up Valentino (Valentino) - T&I
  • Natasha Wise with Ag Ch Tottlefields Flippin Bizzy (Toto) - T&I
  • Stephanie Best with Z-Atomic Spice Koryfej (Skedaddle) - T&I
  • Summer Clark with Tuftihed Fly Like An Eagle AW(D) (Arrow) - T&I


  • Dalton Meredith with Ah Ch Fandabidozi Eclipse of Dust (Eclipse) - T&I
  • Euan Paterson with Ag Ch Devongem Quick Time (Crazee) - T&I
  • Harriett Hunt with Look Out Silver Shark (Sylvia) - T&I
  • Harriett Hunt with Mad Eye Loony (Grace) - Reserve
  • Lee Gibson with Ag Ch Euro Star (Star) - T&I
  • Michelle Waugh with Manicjax Summer Dreams (Otto) - T&I
  • Rhiannon Douglas with Lakeland Slate (Zola) - Reserve
  • Stephanie Best with Shadow of Aire Believe In The Dream (Believe) - Reserve
  • Steve Seale with Ag Ch Devongem Try Fleck (Flec) - T&I
  • Steven Richardson with Ag Ch Moel Gamble Demonic Risk (Gamble) - T&I
  • Toni Smith with Ag Ch Cherryhog Bright Future (Febe) - T&I


  • Dalton Meredith with Fandabidozi I Have a Crush (Crush) - T&I
  • Dave Munnings with Ag Ch Comebyanaway Wot a Legacy (Legacy) - T&I
  • James Adams with Lilhaze Spring into Blossom (Bay) - T&I
  • Joanne Tristram with Foxridge Fade to Black (Fade) - Reserve
  • Martin Reid with Ag Ch Lilhaze Spring Into Shape (Shape) - T&I
  • Max Glover with Soldaze Dark Side of the Moon (Sushi) - T&I
  • Naarah Cuddy with Ag Ch Runbye Goin Bananas (Banana) - T&I
  • Naarah Cuddy with Ag Ch Lilhaze Dark Pleasure (Lemon) - T&I
  • Natasha Wise with Nedlo Flipping Go Girl (Kiki) - Reserve
  • Sara Bacon with Tynevermoor Secret Trend (Bliss) - Reserve
  • Shannon Springford with Ag Ch Zhanisgo Give It Some Banter (Banter) - T&I
Agility World Championships (AWC) team

coming soon...

Junior Open Agility World Championships (JOAWC) team

coming soon...

Senior Open Agility World Championship (SOAWC) team

To find out more information about the Senior Open Agility World Championships click here.

Key Dates and Competitions

Are you interested in joining The Kennel Club Agility Team GB or Young Kennel Club Agility Team GB?
Key dates for Agility Team GB in 2025 and 2026

2025 dates

  • 1 February - Open Showcase (OSC) Juniors and Adults
  • 14-15 February - Try Out Weekend 1
  • 16 February - Junior PSQ (PSQ)
  • 15-16 March - Try Out Weekend 2
  • 22-23 March - Junior Try Out (JOT)
  • 26 April - Team Day (EO & AWC)
  • 27 April - Team Day for Juniors
  • 26 May - European Open Championships (EO) Team Day
  • 27-29 May - Junior Open Agility World Championship Camp (not held at Dog Sports Derby)
  • 10-13 July - Junior Open Agility World Championships (Abrantes, Portugal)
  • 17-20 July - European Open Championships (Abrantes, Portugal)
  • 25 August - Agility World Championships (AWC) Team Day
  • 16-21 September - Agility World Championships (Kalmar, Sweden)
  • 26 October - Junior Open Agility World Championships Parents Debrief (WR11 7SA) from 9am until 11.30am
  • 26 October - EO & AWC Debrief (WR11 7SA) from 12pm until 5pm

2026 dates

  • 31 January* - Open Showcase (OSC) Adults
  • 1 February - Junior Pre-Selection Qualifier (PSQ) incorporating Junior Open Showcase (JOSC)
  • 14 & 15 February - Tryout Weekend 1 (TO1)
  • 14 & 15 March - Tryout Weekend 2 (TO2)
  • 21 & 22 March - Junior Try Out (JOT)
  • 25 April - Team Day (EO & AWC)
  • 26 April - Team Day for Juniors
  • 25 May - European Open Championships (EO) Team Day
  • 26 – 28 May 2026 JOAWC Camp 
  • T.B.C. - JOAWC  (Country TBD)
  • 23 - 26 July 2026 - EO (France)
  • 31 August - Agility World Championships (AWC) Team Day
  • 18 October TBC - 2025 JOAWC Team Training Day & Debrief
  • 22-27 September 2026 - AWC Finland
  • 25 October - European Open Championships (EO) and Agility World Championships (AWC) Team Debrief - Venue TBC - JOAWC Parents Debrief (Venue TBC)

*If the entry is large then Adult OSC will happen on 30 and 31 January

Agility Team GB sponsors

Natural Instinct are thrilled to announce that they are the official Agility Team GB sponsors.

Agility has become the fastest growing dog sport in the world. In the UK alone there are some 20,000 competitors and 300 licensed annual agility shows, as well as numerous special sponsored events which take place nationwide.

Natural Instinct are excited to be affiliated with such a fantastic team together with The Kennel Club, SWAG, Dog Sports Derby, Galican and look forward to supporting Agility Team GB in the upcoming year.

SWAG K9 are excited to announce that they are official Agility Team GB Sponsors and look forward to working alongside The Kennel Club, Natural Instinct, Dog Sports Derby and Galican to help support the Agility Team GB team.

SWAG K9 provide high quality, innovative products for walking, training and playing with your dog, including our ranges of Leads, Headcollars and Toys, there is something for everyone.

Galican are excited to announce that they are the official equipment supplier for Agility Team GB events.

When creating our equipment, we put the dog first by ensuring that the equipment is both safe and comfortable. We have also considered the ring party, and have designed equipment which is both low maintenance and light.

We look forward to working with The Kennel Club, Natural Instinct, SWAG, Dog Sports Derby in supporting Agility Team GB.

Recent Results

Results from the Junior Open Agility World Championships

coming soon...

Results from the European Open Championships

coming soon...

Results from the Agility World Championships

coming soon...

Results from the Senior Open Agility World Championships

coming soon...

Hall of Fame

Explore the Agility Team GB Hall of Fame to see which medals were brought home by our competitors during international events from 2001 to 2024. 


Terms and Conditions

If you wish to submit feedback to the management team, please complete our feedback form. For further questions, please email the events team.