The Kennel Club breed education co-ordinators (known as the BECs) are administrative roles to co-ordinate all points of breed-specific education and support for judges. These co-ordinating roles are held on behalf of the breed clubs in order to support the breed club obligations under the Judges' Education Programme (Breed Shows) for the education and training of judges.
This section contains all the relevant information you'll need to be a breed education co-ordinator.
What is the purpose of a breed education co-ordinator (BEC)?
A breed education co-ordinator (known as the BEC) is an administrative role to co-ordinate all points of breed-specific education and support for judges up to CC awarding level. This co-ordinating role is held on behalf of the breed clubs in order to support the breed clubs’ obligations under the Judges Education Programme (Breed Shows) for the education and training of judges.
The BEC is, therefore, someone who will work with breed clubs/breed council to assist and monitor level 1–3 judges who wish to progress through the breed-specific judging levels, with the purpose of helping each judge to identify opportunities for them to enhance their knowledge of the breed right through to achieving level 4.
For some breeds that have large numbers of breed clubs, it may be that each breed club might wish to appoint a representative with the sole purpose of liaising with the BEC. This will ensure that all breed clubs are involved as well as creating balance in the distribution of workload. Breeds will develop a model of working that suits them.
The BEC’s role is not intended to remove the responsibility for a judge’s education process from a breed club/breed council. The BEC is a key co-ordinating role on behalf of the Judges Education Programme (Breed Shows) for the education and training of judges.
Who can be a Kennel Club breed education co-ordinator?
- Someone with good administration skills, including spreadsheets, reports and a familiarity with computers would be advantageous
- They do not necessarily need to already award CCs in that breed or actively judge the breed
- They do not necessarily need to be a current or previous breed club committee member
- The BEC does not necessarily have to be someone from within the breed, as this is a co-ordination role
- Someone who is personable and approachable, who will be able to create a good rapport with both judges and members of the relevant breed clubs/councils
What are the responsibilities of a Kennel Club breed education co-ordinator (BEC)?
- To identify the need for educational opportunities
- To forward plan the breed’s education and training needs to ensure an effective process
- To assist breed clubs in co-ordinating breed appreciation days
- To develop the multiple-choice breed standard exams for use at breed appreciation days in line with Kennel Club guidance
- To arrange the delivery of the multiple-choice breed standard exam to breed clubs/councils hosting breed appreciation days
- To identify through breed clubs/breed councils and assist in the recruitment of mentors within the breed
- To facilitate the mentoring process
- Arrange initial introduction of the mentor to the mentee as and when required, and to monitor the mentoring process
- To identify through breed clubs/breed councils and assist in the recruitment of observers to observe judges when required
- To arrange for judges to be observed at the appropriate time/show
- To assist The Kennel Club with the delivery of breed-specific assessments as required
- To encourage breed clubs/breed council to actively promote breed supported entry shows
- To update The Kennel Club with details of all educational activity within the breed, upon request via an annual return form
- To provide reports to breed clubs/breed councils upon request
- To collate and maintain records received from breed clubs/councils and judges to give an accurate record of the breed’s education of judges
- To keep up-to-date, accurate and confidential records of all contacts made and subsequent actions taken
- Please note: any work/material that is created during the tenure of being the BEC, all copyright is to be assigned to the breed clubs/council commissioning the work
- To comply with data protection legislation in place (or as amended from time to time) and forward all documentation and personal data held to the relevant breed club(s) as appropriate when the position of BEC is relinquished
Once a BEC is agreed by the club/s, how do I nominate them?
Breed education co-ordinators
Breed | Name and email | Phone number |
Barbet | Hilary Male |
01903 767582 |
Bracco Italiano | Julie Frost | |
Braque D'Auvergne | Kate Condron | |
Brittany | Jenna Cocking | |
English Setter | David Howarth |
01524 222052 |
German Longhaired Pointer |
07725 126948 |
German Shorthaired Pointer | Marion Waddell | 07710 592236 |
German Wirehaired Pointer | Claire Sharp | 07824 660257 |
Gordon Setter | Elaine Roberts | 01636 893952 |
Hungarian Vizsla | Fiona Wilson | 07801 928925 |
Hungarian Wire Haired Vizsla |
Jennifer Spillane
07800 608653 |
Irish Red & White Setter | Julien Barney | 07875 046762 |
Irish Setter | Richard Bott | 01757 611265 |
Italian Spinone | Leanne Challands | |
Korthals Griffon |
Judges Education Programme (The Kennel Club) | |
Lagotto Romagnolo | Hilary Male |
01903 767582 |
Large Munsterlander | Marion Sargent | 01530 249904 |
Pointer | Glynis Marsh | 07931 800795 |
Portuguese Pointer | Carol Henry | 01555 812430 |
Retriever (Chesapeake Bay) | Christine Mayhew | 07483864497 |
Retriever (Curly Coated) |
Leslie Bain
075840 75585 |
Retriever (Flat Coated) | Sandra Stevenson | 07703 773195 |
Retriever (Golden) | Penny Gowland | 07970 860622 |
Retriever (Labrador) | Karl Gawthorpe | 0114 2694089 |
Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) | Tess Newson | 07913 923153 |
Slovakian Rough Haired Pointer |
Patricia Grime | 07836720185 |
Small Munsterlander |
Judges Education Programme (The Kennel Club) | |
Spaniel (American Cocker) | Kevin Arrowsmith | |
Spaniel (American Water) |
Judges Education Programme (The Kennel Club) | |
Spaniel (Clumber) |
Antony Julian Walker Taylor
01325378857 |
Spaniel (Cocker) | Lorraine Palmer | 01724 732282 |
Spaniel (English Springer) |
Kelly Jenkinson
07581 083008 |
Spaniel (Field) |
Alastair Moss
07545 575229 |
Spaniel (Irish Water) | Angie Biggs | 01695 623539 |
Spaniel (Sussex) | Kaye Smith |
01453 519059 |
Spaniel (Welsh Springer) | Pat Butler-Holley | 07850 419204 |
Spanish Water Dog | Anthony Allen | 01757 611265 |
Weimaraner | Debbie Wallwork | 01954 205640 |
Breed | Name and email | Phone number |
Afghan Hound | Susan Rhodes |
01233 770618 |
Azawakh |
Richard John Gunn | 07877 862911 |
Basenji | David Knights | 07904 659311 |
Basset Bleu De Gascogne |
Judges Education Programme (The Kennel Club) | |
Basset Fauve De Bretagne | Roy Blevins | |
Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand) |
Basset Griffon Vendeen (Petit) |
Basset Hound | Aileen Sharpe | 01786 880259 |
Bavarian Mountain Hound | Helen Clymer | 01543 684299 |
Beagle | Joan Lennard | 01283 732377 |
Black and Tan Coonhound | Estella Saxton |
07584 041091 |
Bloodhound | Mary Fish | 01462 730450 |
Borzoi | Lorraine Harvey | |
Cirneco Dell'Etna | Holly Smith | 07901 657825 |
Dachshund (all varieties) |
Ann Beckett-Bradshaw
07768 705549 |
Deerhound | Alison Morton |
07966 031079 |
Finnish Spitz | Angela Cavill | 01225 752551 |
Foxhound | Judges Education Programme (The Kennel Club) | |
Grand Bleu De Gascogne |
Judges Education Programme (The Kennel Club) | |
Greyhound | Julie Mackenzie | 02083 178218 |
Griffon Fauve De Bretagne |
Judges Education Programme (The Kennel Club) | |
Hamiltonstovare | Martin Leigh | 01754 830478 |
Ibizan Hound | ||
Irish Wolfhound | Debbie Tebbutt | 01248 852387 |
Norwegian Elkhound | Marjory MacGregor | |
Otterhound |
Maria Lerego
07477043091 |
Pharaoh Hound | Antony Bongiovanni | 07810 193336 |
Portuguese Podengo |
07778636997 |
Rhodesian Ridgeback | Catherine Davis | 01536 506799 |
Saluki | John Walton Haddon | 01709 731565 |
Sloughi | Kath Clark | 01768 885405 |
Whippet | Editha W Newton |
01246 467560 |
Breed | Name and email | Phone number |
Airedale Terrier | David Brand | 01730 828118 |
Australian Terrier | Felicity Snook | 01275 332652 |
Bedlington Terrier | Vivienne Rainsbury | 01493 296814 |
Border Terrier | Jayne Gillam | 07926 183985 |
Bull Terrier (both varieties) | Graham Hughes | 02920 791658 |
Cairn Terrier | Linda Firth | 01623 472177 |
Cesky Terrier | Sarah Richardson | 07980375588 |
Dandie Dinmont Terrier | Meriel Taylor | 01524 419253 |
Fox Terrier (Smooth) | Neville Rogers | 01256 472259 |
Fox Terrier (Wire) | Rachel Pearce | 07788 721082 |
Glen Of Imaal Terrier |
David Howarth
01524 222052 |
Irish Terrier |
Ian Bamsey |
01296 713045 |
Jack Russell Terrier | Debra Kay | 07739232079 |
Kerry Blue Terrier | Carol Ramsay | 07711 522618 |
Lakeland Terrier | Janet Robertson | 0772 4519226 |
Manchester Terrier |
Mandy Davies
07734 672805 |
Norfolk Terrier | Cathy Thompson-Morgan | 07702 128625 |
Norwich Terrier | Cathy Thompson-Morgan | 07702 128625 |
Parson Russell Terrier | Margaret Hooley | 01283 703095 |
Scottish Terrier | Alison Kenny Marriott | 01204 852934 |
Sealyham Terrier | Ronel Britz | |
Skye Terrier | Catherine Parker | 01942 735537 |
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier | Robert Jones | 07771 349121 |
Staffordshire Bull Terrier | Helen Reaney | 07792 558272 |
Welsh Terrier | Lucy Williams | |
West Highland White Terrier |
Dorothy Britten
01494872002 |
Breed | Name and email | Phone number |
Affenpinscher | Andrew Stewart |
07875 879294 |
Australian Silky Terrier | Lisa A Mault | |
Bichon Frise | Maureen Reynolds | |
Bolognese | Jane Towers | - |
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel | Marian Mynott | 01223 872464 |
Chihuahua (both coats) | Rachel Berrington | 01384 358308 |
Chinese Crested | Trevor Loader | 01278 691343 |
Coton De Tulear |
Kevin Holley |
07957129536 |
English Toy Terrier (Black & Tan) | Derfel Owen | - |
Griffon Bruxellois | Michelle Swinge | 01702 230072 |
Havanese |
Andrea Akkad |
07525 069870 |
Italian Greyhound | Kelly Wallace | 07860 527543 |
Japanese Chin | Lorraine Gillhespy | 0191 3711523 |
King Charles Spaniel | Lorraine Gillhespy | 0191 3711523 |
Lowchen (Little Lion Dog) | Ken Morgan-Stanley | 01772 432208 |
Maltese | Andrea Douse | 01933 418939 |
Miniature Pinscher | Kat French | 0151 5242921 |
Papillon | Ted Whitehill | 01592 260872 |
Pekingese | Gary Thomas | 01495 750559 |
Pomeranian | Caroline Nixon | 01555893564 |
Pug |
07854943359 |
Russian Toy | Amanda Orchard | 01794 512453 |
Yorkshire Terrier | Mark Burns | 01614 289494 |
Breed | Name and email | Phone number |
Akita | Tracy Morgan | 01685 844993 |
Boston Terrier | Gerry McCallum | |
Bulldog | Lorraine Watkins | |
Canaan Dog | Ellen Minto | 01754 811153 |
Chow Chow | Rhys Green |
07951537960 |
Dalmatian |
01455 637909 |
Eurasier | Helen Gutteridge |
01663 783160 |
French Bulldog |
Olivia Timms
07770 510561 |
German Spitz | Julie Williams | 07828623028 |
Japanese Akita Inu | Maureen Thompson | 01773 541475 |
Japanese Shiba Inu | Elizabeth Dunhill |
01909 486628 |
Japanese Spitz | Deborah Prout | 01453 822845 |
Keeshond | Melanie Reed-Peck | 01638 668664 |
Kooikerhondje | Anne Mar-Gerrison | 01536 396252 |
Korean Jindo | ||
Lhasa Apso | Sally Pointon | 01775 820398 |
Miniature Schnauzer | Chris Clay | 01785 255925 |
Poodle (all varieties) | Carol Harwood | |
Schipperke | Melanie Reed-Peck | 01638 668664 |
Schnauzer | Chris Clay | 01785 255925 |
Shar Pei | Susan Butterfield | 01977 798387 |
Shih Tzu |
Tony Paczkowski
07909442327 |
Tibetan Spaniel | Tina Poyser | |
Tibetan Terrier |
Glenn Davies
01536 762111 |
Xoloitzcuintle (Mex Hairless) (all varieties) |
Chloe Wakeling |
Breed | Name and email | Phone number |
Anatolian Shepherd Dog |
01205 870027 |
Australian Cattle Dog | Iona Bailey | 07967 985756 |
Australian Shepherd | Jacky Cutler | 07771 743138 |
Bearded Collie | Angela Pedder |
07896660857 |
Beauceron | Doug Thrower | |
Belgian Shepherd Dog | ||
Bergamasco | Stuart Band | 01344 884137 |
Border Collie | Tracey Wilkinson | 01283 223230 |
Briard | Allyson King | 01283 212233 |
Catalan Sheepdog | Angie Fieldsend | 07762 416812 |
Collie (Rough) | Carole Smedley | 01425 672424 |
Collie (Smooth) | Cathy Howard | 01406 351496 |
Estrela Mountain Dog | Sally McKinlay | |
Finnish Lapphund | Sue Bird | 01273 492403 |
German Shepherd Dog |
Andrew Winfrow
07831 673248 |
Hungarian Kuvasz |
Judges Education Programme (The Kennel Club) | |
Hungarian Puli |
Jane Owen
07985 243191 |
Hungarian Pumi | Julie Pike |
Komondor | Steve Eburne | 01455 450542 |
Lancashire Heeler | Jacky Cutler | |
Maremma Sheepdog | Barbara Gold |
01797 369464 |
Norwegian Buhund | Lorraine Bolton |
01461 758335 |
Old English Sheepdog | Ann Hodgson | 01628 621157 |
Picardy Sheepdog | Clive Pickering | |
Polish Lowland Sheepdog | Lucy Mottram | |
Pyrenean Mountain Dog | Marion Sargent | 01530 249904 |
Pyrenean Sheepdog (Long Haired) | Vicky Wilford | 01775 750500 |
Pyrenean Sheepdog (Smooth Faced) | Vicky Wilford | 01775 750500 |
Samoyed |
Sue Bird
01273 492403 |
Shetland Sheepdog | Jane Hill | 0131 3342391 |
Swedish Lapphund |
Judges Education Programme (The Kennel Club) | |
Swedish Vallhund | Rosemary Peacock-Jackson | 07973 525310 |
Turkish Kangal Dog |
Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) | Dianne Goddard |
07881 825036 |
Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) | Nicola Blance |
07751 475887 |
White Swiss Shepherd |
Vicki Dennison |
07884 068297 |
Breed | Name and email | Phone number |
Alaskan Malamute |
Sue Ellis-Payne
07887 607445 |
Bernese Mountain Dog | Emily English | 07845 470686 |
Bouvier Des Flandres | Cheryl Pierpoint | 01255 813037 |
Boxer | Vikki Van-Beck | |
Bullmastiff | William Brittle |
07961 054856 |
Canadian Eskimo Dog | Marion Sargent | 01530 249904 |
Dobermann | Nancy Evans | 01684 297460 |
Dogue de Bordeaux | Carol Cavanagh | 01342 842705 |
Entlebucher Mountain Dog | Lynn Gibbins | 01335 360027 |
German Pinscher |
Kian Pellow
07455241144 |
Giant Schnauzer | Chris Clay | 01785 255925 |
Great Dane | Sheena Booth |
01387 750319 |
Great Swiss Mountain Dog | Sue Parkin-Russell | |
Greenland Dog | Nicola Singh | 01406 331244 |
Hovawart |
01595 809238 |
Leonberger | Cath Moffat | 07714 014887 |
Mastiff | Amanda Warren |
07706374187 |
Neapolitan Mastiff | Karolina Pervenis | |
Newfoundland | Maxine Munday |
07765583881 |
Portuguese Water Dog | Jayne Hopkins | 07855 625269 |
Pyrenean Mastiff | Judges Education Programme (The Kennel Club) | |
Rottweiler | Marie Austen |
07825 815666 |
Russian Black Terrier | Kirstie Forster | 07763 971150 |
Siberian Husky | Krystyan Greenland | |
St. Bernard | Michelle Smee | 07853 848387 |
Tibetan Mastiff | Jeffrey Springham |