Particular points of concern for individual breeds may include features not specifically highlighted in the breed standard including current issues. In some breeds, features may be listed which, if exaggerated, might potentially affect the breed in the future.
Prior to 2014, the features listed below were derived from a combination of health surveys, veterinary advice, a meeting of The Kennel Club's group judges, feedback from judges at shows or consultation with individual breed clubs/councils via the breed health co-ordinators.
From 2014, the structure of Breed Watch allows for a greater involvement by judges in the reporting on and monitoring of the points of concern. Read more information about Breed Watch.
Points of concern for special attention by judges
- Eyelids not in normal contact with the eyeball, they are turned inwards or outwards
- Ears that extend more than slightly beyond end of muzzle
- Signs of dermatitis irritation in skin folds, and/or hair loss or scarring from previous dermatitis
- Inadequate ground clearance - overly deep body and/ or presence of excessive skin
- Incorrect bite
- Too fat
- Excessive skin on the head, body and/or legs
Read more about the Basset Hound.
For judges with upcoming appointments, the Judges’ Health Monitoring Form Tally Sheet can be downloaded here. This tool is designed to assist judges in tracking any concerns observed during their appointment; but it does not need to be returned to The Kennel Club.