Competing in competitive obedience is fun for both you and your dog. Shows are held all over the country, giving you the opportunity to compete regularly and meet like-minded people.
When competing at an event licensed by The Kennel Club, competitors should ensure that their dog is registered correctly and have a good understanding of the Obedience G Regulations booklet (regulation amendments as of 1 January can be found in the back of this booklet).
Updates to obedience rules
Progression on points
The introduction of progression on points is effective from 1 January 2022, which will help competitors progress through the classes. It is at the handler’s discretion if they choose to progress up to the next class, up to and including into open class C by gaining points at each level, using the Obedience Excellent scale of points scheme as follows:
- Ten points for first prize
- Four points for second prize
- Two points for third prize
- One point for fourth prize
If you are progressing on points then you must ensure that the show secretary/chief steward signs the dog’s obedience record book at the first show entered in the higher class.
There is no time limit on this progression, however, once a dog or handler has progressed, you cannot return to the class that you had progressed from. All wins and places to fourth since 1 January 2019 can be included when calculating points.
Points are specific to a particular class and cannot be used against a lower or higher class. Points required for progression on points are as follows:
- 10 points required for progression from Introductory
- 20 points required for progression from Pre-Beginners.
- 20 points required for progression from Beginners.
- 20 points required for progression from Novice.
- 30 points required for progression from Class A.
- 30 points required for progression from Class B.
Progression may be on wins or on points and the handler may select their preferred means of progression on a class by class basis.
The following regulations have been added to the G Regulations to reflect the introduction of progression on points:
- Regulation G(A)4
- Regulation G(A)5
- Regulation G(A)6
- Regulation G(A)7
The following regulations and regulation numbers have been amended, with relation to progression on points:
- Regulation G(A)6. – now G(A)10
- Regulation G(A)7. – now G(A)11
- Regulation G(A)8. – now G(A)12
- Regulation G(A)9. – now G(A)13
- Regulation G(A)10. – now G(A)14
- Regulation G(A)11. – now G(A)15
Frequently asked questions
1. If a handler progresses up to the next class using the progression on points scheme and has entered a show, do they need to send in their record book to let us know?
No, they will need to get their record book signed by the show secretary at the first show they enter into a higher class.2. My dog has become eligible for the next class but I have already sent in my entry form, can I still progress at this show?
In the event that your dog becomes eligible for the next class, by winning out of the previous class, you would need to notify the show secretary or the show processor at least 14 days before the date of the show.
However you are only able to do this if you have progressed on wins. If you have decided to progress on points you would not be able to do this after the closing date.
3. As a show secretary am I required to split the class if it reaches the maximum of 60 as a result of a handler notifying me they have progressed on wins, after the closing date?
No, you would not be required to split the class.
4. If I progressed on points from Pre-Beginners, can I progress on wins from Beginners?
Yes, progression may be on wins or on points and the handler may select their preferred means of progression on a class by class basis.
Obedience certificates
The number of points needed to qualify for the obedience certificate is now 215.
Further questions?
The regulation changes can be found at the back of the G Regulation 2022 booklet.
If you have any questions regarding the removal of stays or progression on points, please email
Eligibility for Beginners from 1 January 2025
Guide on eligibility for Beginners from January 2025:
Scenario 1 – you have already won a Novice (or above) or progressed out of Novice based on points.
Nothing has changed. The note below does not apply to you. Your lowest available class, as a handler, is still Novice.
Scenario 2 – you have won out of Beginners prior to 31 December 2024 but have never won a Novice or elected to progress from Novice, based on points, at any time.
You have a choice to make when you enter a show after the 1 January 2025. The choice is made the first time when you have dogs to enter that have not won out of Beginners or progressed out of Beginners, based on points. Once you decide upon the option you take (1. or 2. below) you need to stick with that choice. You cannot go back and change your mind.
Your two options are as follows:
- Continue as before with Novice, as a handler, as your lowest available class for all existing and future dogs.
- For any dog that has won out of Beginners, or progressed out on points from Beginners then Novice is still that dogs’ lowest available class. However, as a handler, if you have other dogs eligible for Beginners, or a new dog, you can choose Beginners as their lowest available class until such time as you have won a first in Novice or elected to progress from Novice, based on points.
Scenario 3 – what happens after 1 January 2025, when you win out of Beginners or elect to progress on points.
- With effect from 1 January 2025 any person winning out of Beginners or who progresses out of Beginners, based on points, will automatically follow the second option above. There is no choice. e. Any dog that has won out, or progressed on points, has Novice as its lowest available class. However, as a handler, if you have other dogs eligible for Beginners, or a new dog, you must treat Beginners as your lowest available class, for any dogs eligible for beginners, until such time as you have won a first in Novice or elected to progress from Novice, based on points.
Obedience awards
There are a number of different awards you can achieve in obedience. Find out more about each below.
Obedience Award of Merit Certificates
These are on offer at a number of shows for competitors in introductory, pre-beginners and beginners classes. Please check with the society to find out if they are on offer.
Obedience Excellent
Registered owner(s) may request the Obedience Excellent Certificate for their dog. This is issued to a dog that has obtained the required amount of points for places gained at open and championship obedience shows. Once achieved, you may enter your dog at shows with the relevant graded title.
On application by the registered owner(s), an "Obedience Excellent Qualification"
will be issued for a dog that has obtained the required amount of points for places
gained at Open and Championships Obedience Shows.
The scale of the points is as follows:
1. 10 points for a first prize.
2. 4 points for a second prize.
3. 2 points for a third prize.
4. 1 point for a fourth.
The required points to achieve each qualification are as follows:
1. 10 points required for Introductory.
2. 20 points required for Pre-Beginners.
3. 20 points required for Beginners.
4. 20 points required for Novice.
5. 30 points required for Class A.
6. 30 points required for Class B.
7. 40 points required for Class C.
This qualification may be used on entry forms for dogs qualified and will be shown
in show catalogues. Only one such qualification may be shown so that as a dog
progresses to a higher qualification, the lower one may no longer be used. Points
towards the required excellent qualification in any particular class will be awarded as a result of gaining places in that class and/or any higher class.
Obedience Warrant
An obedience warrant will be issued for a dog that has obtained 100 progression points. The points are to be gained at championship, premier or open obedience shows, and must include the following:
20 points in novice class.
30 points in class A.
30 points in class B.
10 points for a first prize in open class C on at least one occasion.
10 additional points in open class C.
Where a dog had to progress because it had won a first prize, or first prizes, at a higher level, then additional points achieved at a higher class may be used to supplement points at a lower class to achieve the 100 points total.
The title ‘OW’ may be used after the name of the dog on the show entries and in catalogues.
Points awarded will be as follows:
10 points for first place
4 points for second place
2 points for third place
1 point for fourth place
All wins and places to fourth since 1 January 2019 can be included when calculating points.
Complete the Obedience Warrant claim form and submit to the Awards department via this email address:
Awards (The Kennel Club)
All award applications can take up to 6 weeks to process. Please do not contact the Awards department prior to this date as this may delay your application.
How can I speed up my application?
- When entering information onto the award application form, please ensure you are entering in chronological order
- Any amendments to an application must be made by the registered owner
- We recommend keeping a record/copy of all points gained
- A useful tip would be to also keep a record of points gained after submitting your Obedience Excellent and Obedience Warrant applications in case you are asked to resubmit
Competitive obedience at Crufts
Competitive obedience competitions take place throughout the four days of Crufts, and are held in the ring dedicated to obedience located in Hall 5. Find out more about competing in the finals.
The Obedience Liaison Council
The Obedience Liaison Council enables competitors to communicate with The Kennel Club. The council is a key channel for you to make positive changes to competitive obedience.
What is the Obedience Liaison Council?
The Obedience Liaison Council is made up of 17 regional representatives, elected for a three-year term to act as a channel of communication between competitive obedience societies, competitors, and The Kennel Club. The council was set up to represent grassroots opinion within the discipline at The Kennel Club, and to promote a better understanding among competitors of how The Kennel Club functions. It meets twice per year, and representatives hold area meetings prior to each council meeting to provide a platform for proposals and discussion items to be raised. The meetings also provide feedback from The Kennel Club on recent developments and decisions.
The council reviews the competitive obedience show regulations and advises The Kennel Club on any changes that may be needed, and is actively involved in strategic planning to enable competitiveobedience to continue and flourish. Council proposals can result in fundamental changes in Kennel Club policy and The Kennel Club values the important work the councils do.
Council members are always interested in hearing the views and ideas of competitors, and will be seen competing, stewarding, or judging at many shows during the year. Minutes and agendas for recent and forthcoming council meetings can be found below.
How to become a liaison council representative
Representatives are elected for a period of three years and the current term of office of all The Kennel Club Liaison Council representatives ends on 31 December 2025.
Representatives are elected by Kennel Club registered societies and clubs which have an active interest in competitive obedience.
Obedience Liaison Council agenda, annexes and minutes
The next meeting of the Kennel Club Obedience Liaison Council will be held on Thursday 12 June 2025. Proposals for inclusion on the agenda should reach the Obedience Liaison Council Secretary by Friday 14 March 2024.
Each eligible society or an individual may submit items for the agenda, through a council representative. Proposals must be concise and, if an amendment or an additional regulation is proposed, the regulation number must be given. All submissions must be signed by the society/individual and the representative.
All items for inclusion on the agenda should be sent by email.
The most recent agenda, annexes and minutes are available below. Please email The Kennel Club to request copies of earlier agendas, annexes or minutes.
23 January 2025
25 July 2024
27 February 2024
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Annex A - Obedience Festival Report
- Annex E - Beginner eligibility Proposal
- Annex F - 5 Year Strategy
20 July 2023
17 January 2023
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Annex A Kennel Club Accredited Judges Trainers Summary
- Annex B AJSG Report
- Annex C Activities Judges Sub Group Report
- Annex D YKC Report
- Annex E Obreedience
- Annex F 5 Year Strategy
23 June 2022
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Minutes - Annex A
- Minutes - Annex B
- Annex A Activities Judges Sub Group Report
- Annex B AHWSG Report
- Annex C YKC report
- Annex D Inter Regional and OLC area discussion item
- Annex E 5 year strategy
20 January 2022
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Annex A - Regulation amendments removal of stays
- Annex B - Obedience festival zoom meeting
- Annex D - Notes from AHWSG meeting
- Annex C - AJSG Report
- Annex F - 5 year strategy
- Annex E - YKC Report
22 July 2021
Obedience Liaison Council representatives
Name and email address | Area | Phone |
Beverley Smith |
Midlands |
Dawn Cox |
Midlands |
Sheilagh Hyde
Midlands |
Debra Lavender
North East |
07719 664792 |
Neil Walton |
North East |
07958 045056 |
Kathy Russell
North West |
Michael McCartney |
Northern Ireland |
02892 622992 |
Carole Patrick |
Scotland |
01387 259783 |
James McIntosh |
Scotland |
01698 860358 |
Lilian Turner
South/South West |
David Moxon |
South/South West |
07810 378737 |
J Le Fevre |
South East/East Anglia |
Alison Shaw |
South East/East Anglia |
Nerys Thomas |
Wales |
07950 588883 |
Competitors - frequently asked questions
We have reworded the relevant section of the descriptions and explanatory notes for obedience tests. All handlers and judges should be aware of the new wording which came into effect as of 1 January 2017.
These amendments have come about as a result of concerns expressed within the world of canine activities, and particularly competitive obedience, about a small number of dogs which appear to have been taught to hold a position in heelwork which entails the dog effectively walking on its pasterns.
This poses a potential issue with regard to the health and welfare of dogs which must remain paramount in all Kennel Club licensed events. Judges need to be aware that dogs should be balanced, with rear pasterns vertical, and that dogs which do not conform to this standard must be penalised as a major fault.
Learn more
1. Why has it been decided to do this now?
The health and welfare of dogs at Kennel Club licensed shows is always at the heart of the work of the decisions made by the board and its committees. Where The Kennel Club identifies a potential problem which it considers to compromise the health and welfare of a dog, we have an obligation to take action where we can.
2. The press release talks about dogs walking on their pasterns. What does this mean?
This is when a dog walks in a crouched way with its hind legs almost horizontal to the floor and in some cases where the lower part of the hind leg makes contact with the ground, instead of the dog walking with vertical pasterns and upright on its feet.
3. What does “maintaining its natural topline" mean?
The natural topline of a dog is the shape of its back when it is walking naturally. A dog should walk in as natural a manner as possible. The duty of care expected of a judge is that of the experienced competitor, who would be aware of what is normal and therefore should be able to appreciate significant deviation from the norm.
4. This regulation does not have any marks allocated to it, therefore how can it be penalised?
Marks should be deducted from whichever exercise the judge sees the dog not working with a natural topline.
5. How many marks should be deducted?
The Kennel Club does not dictate how many marks should be deducted for any errors in obedience but this should be marked appropriately for a major fault.
6. What can I do if I do not consider a judge is marking correctly in relation to this amended regulation?
Your detailed concerns should be recorded in the show’s incident book.
7. Some dogs work with a high head carriage and with a natural topline but without its back end being close to the ground. Should this be penalised?
No, if the dog is working with a natural topline for its breed or shape, then it should not be penalised. However, if its backend is tucked in whilst walking and its pasterns are not vertical, then this should be marked as a major fault.
8. How will judges view those dogs which are currently competing, and which might be in contravention of this new regulation? Surely there should be some form of transition period to allow for dogs to be retrained?
If a dog is not working in a happy manner with a natural topline at a show after 1 January 2017, this should be penalised by the judge. The health and welfare of dogs competing in all its activity disciplines is of paramount importance to The Kennel Club and therefore it was felt this should be addressed immediately.
The purpose of obreedience is to encourage more breeds to 'have a go' at some of the tests associated with competitive obedience but in a less formal competitive environment.
Obreedience is a team event and showcases the talents of each breed through a series of fun exercises. It's perfect for all ages and abilities.
It mixes the best aspects of obedience with the camaraderie found amongst breed enthusiasts. Each obreedience team must comprise of four handlers and four dogs of the same breed, who take part in two rounds of competition including a round of heelwork performed together as a group, then four set exercises including a retrieve, a 'send to bed', commanding the dog to stop and a scent exercise.
Next steps - judging competitive obedience
Once you're comfortable with competing, you might like to start judging. Learn more about becoming an obedience judge.