Competing in rally is fun for both you and your dog. Shows are held all over the country for each level, giving you the opportunity to compete regularly and meet like-minded people.
When competing at an event licensed by The Kennel Club, competitors should ensure that their dog is registered correctly and have a good understanding of the Rally S Regulations (regulation amendments as of 1 January can be found in the back of this booklet).
Rally competitions
There are numerous rally competitions held annually by The Kennel Club's societies. Use Find a Show to search for events near you.
Rally at Crufts
Rally working party
The rally working party acts as a channel of communication between The Kennel Club and those who compete in rally. The working party has been set up to represent grassroots opinion within The Kennel Club, and to promote a better understanding among competitors of how we function.
What is the rally working party?
The rally working party is made up of seven representatives from the discipline to act as a channel of communication between rally clubs, competitors, and The Kennel Club.
The working party will play an essential role in reviewing the regulations for licensed rally competitions and to advise The Kennel Club on any regulation changes that may be needed.
Rally working party - summary of recommendations
Recommendations by the working party will be submitted to the activities committee and then the board. All approved regulations will be effective from January 1 of the following year. If you wish to obtain a copy of older summary of recommendations, please email your request to The Kennel Club.
- Rally Summary of Recommendations 24 January 2024
- Rally Summary of Recommendations - 24 January 2023 and 07 June 2023
- Rally summary of recommendations - 27 July 2021
- Rally summary of recommendations - 20 April 2021
- Rally summary of recommendations - 7 July 2020
- Rally summary of recommendations - 9 January 2020
Rally working party members
Name and email address | Phone number |
Ms J Barratt |
07887 654487 |
Mrs R Bradley |
01527 591 519 |
Ms B Collier |
Mrs C Coughlan |
07482 658 258 |
Dr K Daly |
01258 830356 |
Mrs S Sanford |
07970 593898 |
Mr J Wykes | 07876 201100 |
Rally Warrant
A Rally Warrant will be issued on application by the registered owner at the time of qualification in respect of a dog that has obtained the following criteria at rally competitions.
The requirements
The requirements for a Rally Warrant are:
- a rally Level 6 Excellent title
- an additional 3 excellent scores at Level 6, which must be gained after 1 January 2021
What titles can you use after your dog’s name once achieved?
The title ‘RW’ may be used after the name of the dog on competition entries and in catalogues. The RW title will replace the RL6.Ex after the dog’s name.
How do I claim my award?
Complete the Rally Warrant claim online form.
All award applications can take up to 6 weeks to process. Please do not contact the Awards department prior to this date as this may delay your application.
Rally Warrant frequently asked questions
1. Can I claim for level titles gained prior to January 2021?
Yes, as long as 3 additional Level 6 Excellent scores are awarded on or after 1 January 2021.
2. Is my dog eligible to claim for the Rally Warrant if I have not gained a title at every Level?
Unfortunately no, you must have achieved a rally title at all levels to be eligible to gain the Rally Warrant.
3. Does my dog need to have achieved the lower level title before the higher level title?
A dog must gain the level titles in the correct order as it cannot go back and work at a lower level once it has gained a level or excellent title at a higher level.
4. My dog achieved their RL6.Ex title, do the further three Excellent scores in Level 6 need to be under different judges?
No, to achieve the RL6.Ex title a dog will need to have scored 190 or above in Level 6 under three different judges. There is no requirement for the further three scores of 190 or above to be under different judges.
5. My dog achieved two qualifying scores of 190 or above under the same judges before being awarded the RL6.Ex Title. Can I use both of these scores towards the Rally Warrant?
Yes, the second score from this same judge can be used towards the 3 additional Level 6 excellent scores.
6. Can I still gain the Rally Warrant if I didn’t gain a level title for all levels and progressed by “skipping” levels?
Unfortunately not, you must have achieved a rally title at all levels to be eligible to gain the Rally Warrant.
7. I am currently competing in Level 6 can I still gain my Rally Warrant?
Yes provided you have gained a Rally Title at all levels, and have also gained your Rally Level 6 Excellent title. The three additional Excellent scores at level 6 must be achieved on or after 1 January 2021.
8. Once I have achieved the Rally Warrant, what title can I use on my dogs name?
The title ‘RW’ may be used after the name of the dog on competition entries and in catalogues. The RW title will replace the RL6.Ex after the dog’s name.
9. How can I speed up my application?
- When entering information onto the award application form, please ensure you are entering in chronological order
- Any amendments to an application must be made by the registered owner
- We recommend keeping a record/copy of all points gained
- A useful tip would be to also keep a record of points gained after submitting your Rally Warrant application in case you are asked to resubmit
Next steps - judging
Once you've had some experience competing, you may feel ready to consider becoming a judge. Learn more about judging rally.