Are you ready?

Will you be able to care for a dog and give them a happy, healthy life? Find out if you're ready to take on the responsibilities that come with dog ownership, and learn how to find the right dog for you.
Labrador looking happy with family smiling at him

Are you ready for a dog?

Only 10% of people told us that they checked if their puppy was suited to their lifestyle before buying. Are you ready to be a dog owner?

Are you ready?
Labrador looking happy with happy family looking at him

Finding the right dog

So, you've confirmed that your home and lifestyle are suited to owning a dog. Next, it's time to decide what type of dog would be best for you.

Find the right dog
Papillon sat in a field of daffodils

What is a pedigree dog?

A pedigree dog is one with parents of the same breed, who are registered either with The Kennel Club or a recognised club or society.

Pedigree dogs

Crossbreed dog laying on the floor near a boot

What is a crossbreed?

A crossbreed dog's parents are of two different breeds, or a mixture of several breeds. They often display a mixture of their parents' traits.

Crossbreed dogs
French bull dog out running on a walk

Flat-faced puppies

Despite their popularity, many brachycephalic dogs may be affected by a health problems that are linked with their body shape.

Flat-faced dogs
Otterhound with mouth open

Vulnerable breeds

These native British or Irish breeds are at risk of disappearing, simply because people don’t know they exist or they're not fashionable.

Vulnerable breeds
Puppy laying on car seat

Finding a good breeder

It's important to buy from a responsible breeder, so you can be sure that your puppy is happy and healthy.

Find a breeder
Puppies in hands

Avoiding puppy farmers

Puppy farmers produce many puppies in poor conditions, with little consideration for health or welfare.

Avoid puppy farmers
Norwich Terrier

Rare and unusual colours

Before deciding to buy one of these ‘rare’ coloured dogs, there are some things you need to know first.

Unusual colours

Useful resources

Women holding puppy

Find a Puppy

Ready to buy a dog? Why not use our Find a Puppy service to discover the ideal four-legged friend for you.

Find a puppy
Lady sat on the floor with her puppy looking at her hand

Find a Rescue

Rehoming a rescue dog is very rewarding. Find a rescue dog for sale near you.

Find a rescue