Getting started with health testing and screening

Golden Retriever at the vets

Advice for your breed

Find out which health tests or schemes are relevant to your breed in our Breeds A to Z. These recommendations are suggested by breed clubs and are approved by The Kennel Club's committees.

Quick links to health resources

  • Health Test Results Finder - look up the DNA test and health scheme records, Estimated Breeding Values (where relevant) and inbreeding calculations (COIs) for any Kennel Club registered dog
  • Inbreeding Coefficient (CoI) - use our calculators to check how closely related two potential mates are
  • Breeds A to Z - find information about any breed, including the health schemes that breeders should be using
  • Kennel Club Health Standard - find health testing guidance about any breed, including the health schemes that breeders should be using before breeding

Advice for dog breeders

If you're new to breeding, the amount of information on how to breed healthy puppies can sometimes be overwhelming. To help guide you through the health tests that are relevant to your breed and how to have your dog screened, we've created a step-by-step guide for first time breeders.

You can also find specific breeding advice for DNA testing or our screening schemes in the articles below.

Why health screening is important for owners

Using certain health screening schemes allows you to find out if your dog is affected by breed-specific health issues, such as eye disease or breathing problems. Regular screening can also allow you to understand more about your dog's risk of developing these issues and how this risk may change over time. Knowing in advance which diseases your dog may develop could help you to take preventative steps to support their health and potentially avoid costly vet bills. Our Breeds A-Z gives advice to breeders about the breed-specific health schemes they should use, but talk to your vet if you think that any of these are relevant to your dog. 

If you're thinking of buying a puppy, you can find about what you need to know about their parent's health before you buy them.

Information and advice for specific health tests and screening schemes

Look up health results for other dogs

You can find the results for any DNA tests or screening schemes recorded by us on our Health Test Results Finder.

Find a health testing clinics near you

If you're thinking of using any of our health screening schemes, but would like to find a health testing event near you, then you can find a list of health testing clinics that are run by us, breed clubs or various dog shows.

Who can I talk to about health issues in my breed?

If you have any concerns about a particular health condition in your breed, you can speak to your vet, or you could contact your breed health co-ordinator. Breed health co-ordinators are individuals working on behalf of breed clubs and councils who are advocates for the health and welfare of their chosen breed. 

You can contact your breed health co-ordinator on the health section of your breeds entry on the Breeds A to Z.

Alternatively if you have a general question, you can contact The Kennel Club's health team.

Understand more about genes and inheritance

If you'd like to find out more about how genetic conditions are inherited, what DNA is, how a gene is made and how these translate into a dog’s body, then why not read our guide on understanding canine genetics or visit The Kennel Club academy and watch our film about canine genetics.