Why DNA test your dog?

Understanding your dog’s genetics equips you to plan for their future, potentially averting costly vet bills and supporting their health proactively. For breeders, knowing your dog’s genetics reduces the risk of producing puppies with inherited conditions, guiding your choice of mating partners.

Test your dog with The Kennel Club's DNA Testing Services

Our DNA Testing Services offers a simple and cost-effective way to DNA test your dog for the priority DNA tests for their breed.

Which DNA tests are recommended and available for my dog’s breed

Find out which health tests and screening schemes are relevant to your breed on our Breeds A to Z.

What are 'Breed specific packages'?

With our breed-specific packages, you can check your dog for a number of different genetic mutations all at the same time, making health testing easy and saving you from organising individual tests from several different laboratories.

Individual DNA tests

We offer wide selection of individual DNA tests. Ideal for when a full breed-specific package isn't necessary, these tests let you select exactly what tests your dog requires.

What is a DNA Profile?

A DNA profile gives you a unique genetic code for your dog - a little like your dog’s very own genetic fingerprint. This allows your dog’s DNA to be accurately identified and can be used for parentage analysis. Unlike other types of identification, a DNA profile stays the same throughout your dog’s entire life and cannot be lost, manipulated or destroyed.

How to DNA test your dog

Our DNA testing service and most others require you to take a simple mouth swab from inside your dog's mouth (usually from their cheek). Some laboratories and DNA tests may require a qualified person to take a blood sample from your dog, but these are rare.

Submitting your results

When you use The Kennel Club’s DNA Testing Services, your results are automatically uploaded to your dog’s record, saving you the hassle.

How to submit DNA test results from other laboratories

To submit results from another laboratory, please email our health team on Health (The Kennel Club) with a copy of the result certificate.

Note, results must be of a recognised DNA test and from an approved laboratory for us to record them. Some laboratories submit results directly to our database, but we recommend confirming this with them. Below, you can find a list of recognised DNA tests and approved laboratories. 

What we require on the results certificate

We require at least two forms of identification on the result certificate. These must include the dog's microchip or tattoo number along with either the dog's registered name or their registered number. We do not accept DNA test result certificates that are missing these details.

Which DNA tests do The Kennel Club record?

DNA test  Mode of inheritance  Breeds
AI/FEH (Amelogenesis Imperfecta/Familial Enamel Hypoplasia)

Autosomal recessive Japanese Akita Inu
AMPN (Alaskan Malamute polyneuropathy) Autosomal recessive 

Alaskan Malamute

AMS (Acral mutilation syndrome) Autosomal recessive 

Cocker Spaniel
English Springer Spaniel

BBS2-PRA (Progressive retinal atrophy)
Autosomal recessive

Shetland Sheepdog

CA (Cerebellar ataxia) Autosomal recessive (linkage test)

Italian Spinone

CC/DE (Curly coat/Dry eye) Autosomal recessive

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

CDSL (Chondrodysplasia) Autosomal recessive

Norwegian Elkhound

CEA/CH (Collie eye anomaly/Choroidal hypoplasia) Autosomal recessive

Australian Shepherd
Bearded Collie
Border Collie
Lancashire Heeler
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Rough Collie
Shetland Sheepdog
Smooth Collie

CHG (Congenital hypothyroidism with goiter) Autosomal recessive

Spanish Water Dog

CLAD (Canine leucocyte adhesion deficiency) Autosomal recessive

Irish Red and White Setter
Irish Setter

CNGA1-PRA (Progressive retinal atrophy)
Autosomal recessive

Shetland Sheepdog

CNM (Centronuclear myopathy) Autosomal recessive

Labrador Retriever

COMMD1 (Copper toxicosis) Autosomal recessive

Bedlington Terrier

Cone degeneration Autosomal recessive

Alaskan Malamute

Copper toxicosis (COMMD1) Autosomal recessive (linkage test)

Bedlington Terrier

CSNB (Congenital stationary night blindness) Autosomal recessive


CU (Cystinuria) Autosomal recessive


DAMS (Dyserythropoietic anemia and myopathy syndrome) Autosomal recessive English Springer Spaniel
DCM (Dilated cardiomyopathy) Autosomal recessive

Giant Schnauzer

DE (Degenerative encephalopathy) Autosomal recessive Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Autosomal recessive Dobermann
DM (Degenerative myelopathy) Autosomal recessive with incomplete penetrance (risk based DNA test)

Chesapeake Bay Retriever
French Bulldog
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Rough Collie
Smooth Collie

DP-LHX3 (pituitary dwarfism)
Autosomal recessive

Tibetan Terrier

EF (Episodic falling) Autosomal recessive

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

EIC (Exercise-induced collapse) Autosomal recessive for most breeds but incomplete penetrance for Curly Coated Retrievers

Clumber Spaniel
Curly Coated Retriever
Labrador Retriever 
Smooth Collie

ENM (Hereditary necrotising myelopathy) Autosomal recessive Kooikerhondje
FN (Familial nephropathy) Autosomal recessive

Cocker Spaniel

EOPRA (early oneset progressive retinal atrophy) Autsomal recessive Portuguese Water Dog
Fuco. (Fucosidosis) Autosomal recessive

English Springer Spaniel

FVIID (Factor VII deficiency) Autosomal recessive


Glanzmann's Thrombasthenia Autosomal recessive


GM1 (Gangliosidosis) Autosomal recessive

Portuguese Water Dog

GN (Greyhound neuropathy) Autosomal recessive


Gonio (Severe goniodysgenesis and glaucoma risk) Autosomal recessive

Border Collie

GR-PRA1 (Golden Retriever progressive retinal atrophy 1) Autosomal recessive

Golden Retriever

GR-PRA2 (Golden Retriever progressive retinal atrophy 2) Autosomal recessive

Golden Retriever

GSDII (Glycogen storage disease type II (Pompe's disease)) Autosomal recessive

Finnish Lapphund

HC-HSF4 (Hereditary cataracts) Autosomal recessive/ Autosomal dominant

Australian Shepherd
Boston Terrier
French Bulldog
Staffordshire Bull Terrier

HCA (Hereditary cerebellar ataxia) Autosomal recessive

Norwegian Buhund

HFH (Hereditary footpad hyperkeratosis) Autosomal recessive Irish Terrier
HNPK (Hereditary nasal parakeratosis) Autosomal recessive

Labrador Retriever

HUU (Hyperuricosuria) Autosomal recessive

Hungarian Wire Haire Vizsla
Large Munsterlander
Russian Black Terrier

ICT-A (Ichthyosis) Autosomal recessive

Golden Retriever

IGS (Imerslun-Gräsbeck syndrome/Cobalamin malabsorption) Autosomal recessive

Border Collie

IMGD (Inherited myopathy of Great Danes) Autosomal recessive

Great Dane

JADD (Juvenile Addison’s disease) Autosomal recessive with incomplete penetrance (risk based DNA test) Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
JE (Juvenile epilepsy) Autosomal recessive

Lagotto Romagnolo

JLPP (Juvenile laryngeal paralysis & Polyneuropathy) Autosomal recessive

Russian Black Terrier

JME (Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy) Autosomal recessive

Rhodesian Ridgeback

L-2HGA (L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria) Autosomal recessive

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Lafora's disease Autosomal recessive Basset Hound
Dachshund (Miniature Wire Haired)
LEMP (Leukoencephalomyelopathy) Autosomal recessive with incomplete penetrance


LEMP-2 (Leukoencephalomyelopathy) Autosomal recessive


LOA (Late onset ataxia) Autosomal recessive

Jack Russell Terrier
Parsons Russell Terrier

LPN1 (Leonberger polyneuropathy) Autosomal recessive


LPN2 (Leonberger polyneuropathy) Autosomal dominant


LPPN3 (Laryngeal paralysis and polyneuropathy) Autosomal recessive


LSD (Lysosomal storage disease) Autosomal recessive

Lagotto Romagnolo

MAC (Mycobacterium avium complex) Autosomal recessive Miniature Schnauzer
MCD (Macular corneal dystrophy)
Autosomal recessive

Labrador Retriever

MDR1 (Multiple drug sensitivity) Autosomal recessive

Australian Shepherd
Border Collie 
Old English Sheepdog
Rough Collie
Shetland Sheepdog
Smooth Collie

MLS (Musladin-Leuke syndrome) Autosomal recessive


MPSIIIB (Mucopolysaccharidosis Type IIIB) Autosomal recessive


NAD (Neuroaxonal dystrophy) Autosomal recessive

Spanish Water Dog

NCCD (Neonatal cerebellar cortical degeneration) Autosomal recessive


NCL5 (Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis) Autosomal recessive

Border Collie

NCL8 (Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis) Autosomal recessive English Setter
NCL12 (Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis) Autosomal recessive

Tibetan Terrier

OC (Osteochondrodysplasia) Autosomal recessive

Miniature Poodle

Pap-PRA1 (Progressive retinal atrophy - Papillons) Autosomal recessive


PCD (Primary ciliary syskinesia) Autosomal recessive

Old English Sheepdog

PDE (Pug Dog Encephalitis) Autosomal recessive with incomplete penetrance (Risk Based DNA test) Pug
PDP-1 (Pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphate 1 deficiency) Autosomal recessive

Clumber Spaniel

PFK (Phosphofructokinase deficiency) Autosomal recessive

American Cocker
English Springer Spaniel

PLL (Primary lens luxation) Autosomal recessive

Australian Cattle Dog
Bull Terrier
Bull Terrier (miniature)
Chinese Crested
Jack Russell Terrier
Lancashire Heeler
Parsons Russell Terrier
Sealyham Terrier
Tibetan Terrier
Welsh Terrier

POAG - (Primary open angle glaucoma) Autosomal recessive

Basset Hound
Norwegian Elkhound
Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
Shar Pei

POAG/PLL (Primary open angle glaucoma / Primary lens luxation) Autosomal recessive

Shar Pei

POAG-4 (Primary open angle glaucoma) Autosomal recessive

Basset Fauve de Bretagne

PRA (cord1) (Progressive retinal atrophy) Autosomal recessive

Dachshund (Miniature Long Haired)
Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired)
Dachshund (Miniature Wire Haired)
English Springer Spaniel

PRA (crd3) (Progressive retinal atrophy) Autosomal recessive

Glen of Imaal Terrier

PRA (rcd1) (Progressive retinal atrophy) Autosomal recessive

Irish Setter

PRA (rcd2) (Progressive retinal atrophy) Autosomal recessive

Rough Collie
Smooth Collie

PRA (rcd3) (Progressive retinal atrophy) Autosomal recessive

Welsh Cardigan Corgi

PRA (rcd4) (Progressive retinal atrophy) Autosomal recessive

English Setter
Gordon Setter
Irish Setter
Standard Poodle
Tibetan Terrier

PRA3 (Progressive retinal atrophy) Autosomal recessive

Tibetan Spaniel
Tibetan Terrier

PRA4 (Progressive retinal atrophy) Autosomal recessive

Lhasa Apso

PRA5 (Progressive retinal atrophy) Autosomal recessive

Giant Schnauzer

prcd-PRA (Progressive rod cone degeneration - Progressive retinal atrophy) Autosomal recessive

American Cocker Spaniel
Australian Cattle Dog
Australian Shepherd
Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Chinese Crested
Cocker Spaniel
Entlebucher Mountain Dog
Finnish Lapphund
Giant Schnauzer
Labrador Retriever
Norwegian Elkhound
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Poodle (Miniature)
Poodle (Standard)
Poodle (Toy)
Portuguese Water Dog
Spanish Water Dog

Raine's synd Autosomal recessive

Border Collie

Retinopathy Autosomal recessive

Swedish Vallhund

Sal-NCL (Saluki Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis) Autosomal recessive


SCA (Spinocerebellar ataxia) Autosomal recessive

Jack Russell Terrier
Parsons Russell Terrier

SD2 (Skeletal dysplasia 2) Autosomal recessive

Labrador Retriever

SLEM (Spongiform leuco-encephalo-myelopathy) Autosomal recessive Border Terrier
SN (Sensory neuropathy) Autosomal recessive

Border Collie

STGD (Stargardt disease)
Autosomal recessive

Labrador Retriever

T-box (bob tail)
Autosomal dominant Schipperke
TNS (Trapped neutrophil syndrome) Autosomal recessive

Border Collie

vWD type I (von Willebrand disease) Autosomal recessive

Manchester Terrier
Poodle (Standard)

vWD type II (von Willebrand disease) Autosomal recessive

German Wirehaired Pointer

vWD type III (von Willebrand disease) Autosomal recessive

Shetland Sheepdog

XLHN (X-linked hereditary nephritis X-linked Samoyed
XLPRA (X-linked progressive retinal atrophy type 1) X-linked Samoyed

Breeding advice and understanding what your dog’s results mean

Click for more details

If you're thinking of breeding from your dog and want to know how to avoid producing puppies affected by the condition you've tested for, or if you just want to understand what you're dog's DNA test results mean, you can find out more on our breeding advice and DNA test results page.

Find a dog's DNA test results

Our Health Test Results Finder can help you find the results for any dog on our records that has been screened for the DNA tests and screening schemes that we record.

Lists of dogs with clear, carrier or affected status can be found under the health section of each breeds entry on our website in Breeds A to Z section.

Collective results for activity dogs

View breed-specific DNA test results statistics

Statistics on the number of dogs scored by a DNA test and their results can be accessed in our DNA testing breed-specific information.

Laboratories we record and publish results from

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We have a criteria that we request DNA testing laboratories meet to enable us to record their results, helping to maintain and protect the integrity of results that appear on a dog’s record.

We strongly advise that customers ensure their chosen laboratory is included on our list below if they wish for us to record and publish the results. Results from laboratories not included on this list will not be recorded.

  • The Kennel Club DNA Testing Services (UK)
  • Animal DNA Diagnostics (UK)
  • Canine Genetic Testing (UK)
  • Embark (USA)
  • Genomia (Czech Republic)
  • Laboklin (UK)
  • MyDogDNA/Wisdom Panel (Finland)
  • Orivet (Australia)
  • Paw Print Genetics (USA)
  • University of California - Davis Veterinary Genetics Laboratory (USA)
  • Van Haeringen (Holland) 
  • AnimalLabs (Croatia) (verification in progress, subject to change)
  • Animal Genetics (UK) (verification in progress, subject to change)
  • University of Utrecht (Holland) (verification in progress, subject to change)
Health Testing Agents

Health Testing Agents are not laboratories but offer DNA testing services and events. Find a list of Health Testing Agents here:

  • Pathways Genetics

If you’re interested in becoming a Health Testing Agent and wish to be added to our list of Health Testing Agents, please contact The Kennel Club’s health team on Health (The Kennel Club) to find out more.

How we recognise new DNA tests

Find out how

We’re happy to consider a breed club's request to add a new DNA test to our list of recommended tests or tests available.

We would normally need a formal request from the relevant breed health co-ordinator, or a majority request from the breed clubs. In most cases, the test would need to be run by a laboratory already recognised by us. All DNA tests must be able to record a definitive result for an individual dog, and must be based on robust science. We continue to work alongside breed clubs, breed health co-ordinators and canine health professionals in a collaborative effort to improve the health of pedigree dogs.

Learn more about DNA testing with our free webinar

If you'd like to learn more about how genetic conditions are inherited, what DNA is, and how genes work within a dog's body, we invite you to view our free webinar on the science behind DNA testing.

You can also read our guide on understanding canine genetics or visit The Kennel Club Academy.

For further details about our DNA testing service, please contact our Health team on Health (The Kennel Club)