The Kennel Club would like to remind obedience competitors and show organisers about both the Obedience Excellent and Obedience Award of Merit certificates, which are available to competitors who meet the required criteria.
The Obedience Excellent certificate may be applied for by the registered owner and issued to a dog which has obtained the required number of points for places gained at open and championship obedience shows.
The scale of points is as follows:
Ten points for first prize
Four points for second prize
Two points for third prize
One point for fourth prize
The required points to achieve each qualification are as follows:
Ten points required for Introductory
Ten points required for Pre-Beginners
Twenty points required for Beginners
Twenty points required for Novice
Thirty points required for Class A
Thirty points required for Class B
Forty points required for Class C
Successful applicants may enter shows using the relevant titles: Intro Ex, P-Beg Ex, Beg Ex, Nov Ex, A Ex, B Ex or C Ex after their dog’s Kennel Club name.
The Obedience Award of Merit certificates may be issued to obedience competitors in Introductory, Pre-Beginners and Beginners classes. The certificates are designed for those competitors who lose 10 marks or fewer in a competition, regardless of whether they are placed or not.
The certificates are signed by the judge and given out on the day of the show to competitors who claim them. Societies wishing to offer these certificates are asked to email our obedience team.
For more information please see the Kennel Club website.