The Kennel Club has announced changes to the way prospective agility judges qualify for their first appointments. With the launch of the Kennel Club Academy, the Board agreed that the regulations and judging procedure part of the agility judges seminars would work better in an online format and free up more time for the practical aspects of judging to be covered in the seminar.
The change will require prospective new judges to access the Kennel Club Academy to view educational material and take a multiple-choice online examination before attending the seminar held by a Kennel Club Accredited Agility Judges Trainer.
The following amendments to the H regulations have been made to accompany the change in process:
Regulation H19.b.
(6) have attended a Kennel Club Agility Regulations and Judging Procedure Seminar and passed the Regulations and Judging Procedure examination completed and passed an Agility Judges examination on the Kennel Club Academy prior to attending a Kennel Club Judges Seminar, and
(7) have attended a Kennel Club Agility Course Design and Judging Judges Seminar and passed the assessment, or
(Deletions struck through. Insertions underlined.)
Regulation H20. Judges and Judging
b. Additionally judges appointed to officiate for the first time at a Kennel Club licensed Agility show (other than those judging special classes at a Limited Agility show) must have attended a Kennel Club Agility Regulations and Judging Procedure Seminar and passed the Regulations and Judging Procedure examination. completed and passed an Agility Judges examination on the Kennel Club Academy prior to attending a Kennel Club Judges Seminar.
c. Judges appointed to officiate for the first time at a Kennel Club licensed Agility show (other than those judging special classes at a Limited Agility show) must have attended a Kennel Club Agility Course Design and Judging Judges Seminar and passed the assessment.
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The amended regulations will come in to effect on 1st July 2017.
The Kennel Club is currently working on the content for the Academy and more information will be released at a later date.