Regulations for judge requirements and eligibility as of 1 January 2021

Further to the press statement of 24 February 2020 announcing the resumption of the Judges Education Programme (JEP) in tandem with the traditional routes for judges approval to award CCs, The Kennel Club has introduced regulations to support the introduction of the JEP, including judge requirements and eligibility as of 1 January 2021, it has been announced.

In line with these new regulations and as previously announced, breeds clubs will be required to:

  • appoint a breed education coordinator (BEC) who will oversee the education of judges for the breed and work alongside all breed clubs and/or the breed council
  • hold a breed appreciation day (BAD) at least once every two years. Clubs may combine efforts to stage such events with other breed clubs, if necessary
  • select and promote at least two supported entry open shows for its breed at general or group open shows each year. A formal written agreement is to be reached with the licensed show societies, and the judges of such classes must be selected by the licensed show society from a list of at least two names proposed by the breed club and will be at either JEP level 2 or level 3 (or B list or A3 list). Regional breed clubs are advised to approach societies within their geographic area if possible

From 1 January 2021, no one can judge unless they meet JEP level 1 requirements (existing CC judges excluded). The exception to this is where a valid contract was in place before the 24 February 2020 press announcement and the appointment complies with Kennel Club Regulation F(1)20.b.

To be able to judge more than three classes of a breed (four if a puppy class is scheduled) at any show or any number of classes at a championship show without CCs, a judge must be listed on a breed club/council B list or above or meet level 2 requirements. The criteria for breeds at stud book band E have been rescinded. All breeds now have the same class number criteria.

Read the full requirements for JEP Levels.

Eligibility to judge at each JEP Level

Level   Criteria 

Level 1


Up to three classes (four if a puppy class is scheduled) for any breed at limited or open shows

Level 2

Unlimited number of classes for the respective breed at limited, open or championship shows (no CCs)

Any variety classes, groups and Best in Show at limited shows

Level 3

Unlimited number of classes for the respective breed at limited, open or championship shows (no CCs)

Any variety classes groups and Best in Show at limited shows

Level 4

Award Challenge Certificates in the respective breed

Any variety classes, groups and Best in Show at open and limited shows

Judges are reminded that on accepting an appointment they must ensure that their name is included on a relevant breed council/club judges list or that they meet the appropriate level of the JEP. In the case of the latter, judges are asked to keep records to support their JEP level.

The Kennel Club advises societies to use the following wording within future judging contracts: “In accepting this appointment I confirm that I comply with the requirements of Kennel Club Regulation F(1)20b or the Judges Education Programme (Breed Shows)”.

The new regulations will be published in due course. All enquiries should be directed to the breed shows team.