Historic AGM and SGM for The Kennel Club as members vote for royal name change

At an historic and progressive AGM and SGM on 11 June 2024 at the Friends House on Euston Road, London, The Kennel Club reflected on its past year as it continues to transform the way that it works for the benefit of dogs and their owners now, and for the generations who will follow.

Chairman, Tony Allcock OBE, opened the AGM by thanking the membership for their presence at what was an important meeting with a significant agenda. Two previous question and answer sessions for the membership had been held to provide an opportunity to answer any questions that members may have had in advance of the AGM.

Tony reflected on some of the achievements of the Club over the past year – which included the great honour of The Kennel Club being granted royal patronage by His Majesty the King, which followed the Club receiving the Royal prefix in its 150th year. At the SGM, which followed the AGM, there was a resounding majority vote by the members for The Kennel Club to change its name with Companies House to The Royal Kennel Club Limited.

Members at the meeting were asked to vote on a number of agenda items, including a rise in registration and membership fees, amendments to the rules governing committees, and a change to the wording of the Club dress code. All of the proposals except the change to the Club dress code were carried. 

Mark Beazley, Kennel Club Chief Executive said: “The necessary increases will substantially improve The Kennel Club’s financial resilience and we are grateful to our membership for voting them through today, thus supporting our Club at a challenging and pivotal time, to secure an exciting future.

“As with a lot of organisations at present, we find our Kennel Club within a challenging financial environment. We know that we need to diversify our revenue streams and work to drive down the levels of subsidisation required across many of our treasured activities. We want to build now on what we have, so that we are best positioned to achieve our purpose. The Board and the Executive team, working hand in hand, will continue to focus on developing ways for The Kennel Club to diversify and strengthen other income streams – an opportunity I am excited and energised by.”

Other matters outlined at the AGM included future opportunities for the Club and the transformation work that has been undertaken so far and will continue in 2024 and beyond. It was highlighted that a key component will be to improve and re-energise the registrations model to ensure that it has real value and meaning for breeders and puppy buyers and that it prioritises dog health and wellbeing.

Tony Allcock OBE closed the AGM and SGM on a note of thanks to The Kennel Club directors who have tirelessly volunteered their time to the organisation and to the Executive and staff colleagues who have made all the progress possible and demonstrated their dedication and loyalty throughout. The full report of the AGM and SGM will be included in the September issue of The Kennel Club Journal which will be available on The Kennel Club website.

At the AGM, the following nine members were elected to the Board of Directors. It was announced that Dr Ron James would be retiring from the Board and recognition was given of his dedication and service given to the Club over a number of years:

Mr A Allcock OBE

Mr T Mather

Mr D Guy

Mr G Robertson

Mrs C Kisko

Mrs N Ackerley-Kemp

Mrs S Garner

Mr R Harlow

Mr J Bailey

Of the directors listed above, the first eight named have been elected for a three-year term whilst Mr Bailey has been elected for a one-year term.

Other business conducted at the AGM included the election of seven Honorary Life Members of The Kennel Club as follows:

Professor Peter Bedford

Mr Kevin Clifford

Mrs Estelle Elliott-Wilson

Mrs Cecily Guard

Mrs Susan Homewood

Dr Ron James

Mrs Maureen Nixon

Mrs Kari Wilberg

The following four Vice Presidents of The Kennel Club were re-elected:

The Rt Hon Lord Fairhaven JP DL KStJ

The Lord Kirkham KCVO  

Sir John Spurling KCVO OBE

Professor SP Dean BVetMed MRCVS DVR.