The Kennel Club has approved the following changes to the regulations for field trials.
To add clarity and transparency to all draws for both secretaries and competitors, the following
regulation has been amended.
- If entries or nominations exceed the number of permitted runners,
the right to compete in a Trial shall be decided by ballot (subject to Regulation J6.i. which related to preference in the draw for open stakes). Societies must ensure that all eligible owners/members are given the opportunity of having their preferred dog entered into the first ballot (See J6.j). The society must publish the result of this ballot in full to all applicants. This must include the draw preferences the dogs are entered under. Where an online system, approved by the Kennel Club, has been used to take entries, the ballot must be carried out using the same online system, and the result forwarded to the Kennel Club at the same time that competitors are notified.
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(Effective 2 February 2054)
The Committee amended the following regulation, due to the wording being superfluous. If the stake was not open to its breed, then a dog could not be entered and as such no award would be gained.
(2) Spaniels
A first, second or third in an Open Stake or a first in a Novice Stake or All Aged (excluding trials restricted to Any Variety Spaniel except for Spaniel [Cocker] and Spaniel [English Springer]). To qualify for preference in the draw in an Open Spaniel stake, the dog must have gained the appropriate places in a stake open to its breed.
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(Effective 2 February 2054)
Regulation J8.b.(9) and Regulation J(A)3.h were amended and effective from 2 February 2024. To ensure consistency, the following regulation has been amended.
Regulation J(B)7.d.(2)
If the game situation permits, two retrieves in the first round, then one retrieve in the second round is the usual procedure. It is imperative that the chief steward should be informed of any dogs eliminated or discarded for any reason. This will enable the chief steward to have the correct dogs available when required. It is, however, the judge or judge’s responsibility to ensure that the right dogs are in line.
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(Effective 2 February 2025)
In the interest of clarity between the use of awards and places the following regulations have been amended.
(3) Novice Retrievers, Spaniels, and breeds which hunt, point and retrieve and Pointers & Setters: A stake which is confined to dogs which have not gained a place, or places an award, or awards, which would qualify them for first preference in the draw for Open stakes. Pointers and Setters: A stake which is confined to dogs which have not gained a first, second or third in open stakes or first or two seconds in All Aged, Novice or Puppy stakes prior to the close of entries.
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(Effective 2 February 2025)
(5) Other stakes may, with Kennel Club approval, be promoted by societies, but all stakes must be clearly defined in the schedule. Places Awards gained in stakes confined to Any Variety Spaniel [except Spaniel (Cocker) and Spaniel (English Springer)] will not qualify the dog for the purposes of Regulation J6.i.
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(Effective 2 February 2025)
Following the trial the secretary shall send to the Kennel Club, within 14 days, a copy of the card with all awards places and certificate of merits marked, together with a copy of the draw.
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(Effective 2 February 2025)
(3) Judging experience must include stakes judged at trials held by at least two different societies. Before being added to the Panel for Retrievers or Spaniels candidates for the B Panel must have handled a dog to win at least one field trial stake for the appropriate subgroup and have considerable field trial experience. Before being added to the A Panel for Retrievers or Spaniels, candidates must have handled a dog to win at least one open stake or in the case of Retrievers, been placed awarded 2nd in a 2-day open stake and, since being added to the B Panel, have substantially increased their field trial experience. For HPRs, before being added to the A Panel or the B Panel, candidates must have handled a dog to a win at a novice, all-aged, or open HPR stake.
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(Effective 2 February 2025)
- Order of draws
Open stakes
- Members' first preference dogs which have gained places awards as shown above.
- Members' second preference dogs which have gained places awards as shown above.
iii. Non-members' first preference dogs which have gained places awards as shown above.
- Non-members' second preference dogs which have gained places awards as shown above.
- Members' dogs which have gained other places awards.
- Non-members' dogs which have gained other places awards.
vii. Other dogs.
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(Effective 2 February 2025)
- An award is any placing in a stake decided by the judges which may be first, second, third or fourth.
- The following may also be conferred at the discretion of the judges: at a Championship, Diplomas of Merit and in other stakes, Certificates of Merit.
- A prize is a reward for merit in competition.
- All prize money must be paid within one month of the date of the field trial, and paid subject to return in event of a subsequent disqualification.
- The amount of prize money offered by a society may be varied to relate to the number of entries received and may be reduced if the full number of entries is not received.
- Awards at a field trial must be discrete; equal awards are prohibited.
- The judges are empowered and instructed to withhold any prize or award if, in their opinion, the dogs competing do not show sufficient merit.
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Only in cases of physical disability, and With the permission agreement of the
judges, may a handler may carry a stick whilst working his dog competing.
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(Effective 2 February 2025)
If a separate water test is included as part of a stake, all dogs placed in the awards, and those who have achieved a Diploma of Merit or Certificate of Merit must have passed this test.
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- Scurries, Pick-Ups, and other similar events are exempt, as are noncompetitive club training assessments where no awards places are on offer. The Kennel Club also recognises that events involving unregistered dogs do sometimes take place. Such events cannot, however, be considered to be GWTs under these Regulations.
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(Effective 2 February 2025)
- The following classes of competition are recognised by the Kennel Club:
(1) OPEN. Open to all dogs of a specified breed or breeds, although preference may be given to dogs which have gained an award a place or certificate of merit at a field trial, been placed first, second or third in an open GWT, or first in won a Novice GWT.
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(2) NOVICE. Confined to dogs which have not gained an award or a place or certificate of merit at a field trial, been placed first, second or third in an Open GWT or first in a Novice GWT held in accordance with Kennel Club Rules and Field Trial Regulations.
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(Effective 2 February 2025)