Irish Wolfhound wins Vulnerable Native British and Irish breed competition at Crufts 2025

Roger Tebburtt with Tozie, Credit Beat Media, The Royal Kennel Club

Tozie, an Irish Wolfhound, owned by Debbie Tebbutt, and handled by husband Roger Tebbutt, won the grand final of The Kennel Club Vulnerable British and Irish Native Breeds competition at Crufts, on Friday 7 March.

Two-year-old Tozie (Ch Caredig Mafioso), won the Vulnerable British and Irish Breeds competition in front of a packed bp pulse LIVE arena at the NEC in Birmingham.

The Kennel Club Vulnerable British and Irish Breeds competition helps raise awareness of rare native breeds whose annual puppy registrations stand at fewer than 300, thus leaving them at risk of disappearing from the UK’s streets and parks.  

The Irish Wolfhound is often described as a gentle giant due to its large size but calm nature. The breed registered just 165 puppies in 2024.

Roger commented on Tozie’s win: “I’m absolutely delighted, the old cliche is 'over the moon' and I’m there and back, it’s absolutely wonderful….. there was some high quality competition in there with some lovely breeds. It’s sad the Irish Wolfhound is on the vulnerable breed list but it’s tremendous to have such a pleasing animal on the end of my lead.”

Tozie was chosen by judge Graham Hill as having the best overall quality evident from other dogs in the final.

The Vulnerable Breeds competition, which was open to all vulnerable breeds competing at designated championship shows, enabled dogs that are on The Kennel Club’s vulnerable breeds list to qualify for the final at Crufts.

A Clumber Spaniel, Sh Ch Vanitonia Soloist, owned by Lee Cox was named as Reserve Best Vulnerable Breed. Third place was the Welsh Corgi (Cardigan), Ch Pi Et Ra Of Trefilio Borntobe Avalanche JW (Imp Hun) owned by Miss T J Irving and fourth place was the Mastiff, Cyberus Zavier owned by Mrs T & Mr S Andrews .

Helen Kerfoot, Crufts Show Manager, said: “Congratulations to Debbie and Tozie on this fantastic achievement. We are very thankful to everyone who has qualified for this competition for their dedication and passion for their breeds; their commitment is a true testament to their hard work ensuring that these Vulnerable British and Irish breeds continue to be a part of our society.”  

More information about Vulnerable British and Irish Breeds is available on our website.

Crufts takes place from 6 - 9 March 2025 at the NEC, Birmingham. For more information and results from the show, visit Crufts website.

The following dogs were entered in the 2025 final at Crufts: 

  • Bull Terrier (Mini), Graymor Glacial Icecloud owned by Mr G A & Mrs M E Hughes 
  • Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Ch Danchester’s Can You Hear Me Roar For Bonnybeck (Imp Fin) owned by Miss L Sleight 
  • Fox Terrier (Smooth), Ch Kanix Quickstep owned by Mrs K S Wilberg 
  • Glen of Imaal Terrier, Romainville Rock It Ronnie owned by Mrs K A George 
  • Irish Terrier, Holbam Ace Of Saredon (A.I.) owned by Mr J Averis & Mrs D Ryan 
  • Kerry Blue Terrier, Ch Balboa Leonida owned by Mrs S Caltabiano 
  • Lakeland Terrier, Saredon Revere owned by Mr J Averis 
  • Manchester Terrier, Ch Talanors Typically Special owned by Mr C & Mrs G Knight 
  • Norwich Terrier, Ch Ragus Punch Bowl owned by Mrs L Crawley & Mrs Y Baldwin 
  • Sealyham Terrier, Ch Seabrook Spitting Image Of Forlegd owned by Messrs F Ahs & L Jaseph & K Crockett & A Daly & Ms O Forlicz 
  • Skye Terrier, Madaza Box Of Frogs owned by Mrs J Lyne 
  • Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier, Ch Silkcroft Never Miss A Beat owned by Mr C W & Mrs C L Satherley 
  • Bloodhound, Ch Moorlander Guy Laroche owned by Miss H Pennington 
  • Deerhound, Hyndsight Neaghley (A.I.) owned by Mrs L Spence 
  • Foxhound, Warrior Of Hampshire Hunt owned by Mr S Dunn 
  • Greyhound, It Esp Ch DK Ch UK SU Ch Int Ch Sobers Geraldine owned by Mrs B Ahrens & Mr P Primavera 
  • Harrier, Henissy Fancy owned by Miss C Farrar 
  • Irish Wolfhound, Ch Caredig Mafioso owned by Mrs D E Tebbutt 
  • Otterhound, Ch Conestoga And Crossroads English Dream At Otterslade (Imp USA) owned by Mrs V Finch 
  • English Toy Terrier (Black & Tan), Ch Ettology Bounteous Barney JW owned by Mr K Dennison 
  • King Charles Spaniel, Ch Monleon Made By Magic For Marchog owned by Mr R G & Mrs K M Stewart 
  • English Setter, Tattersett Golden Sunrise owned by Mrs H S Stewart & Professor S M Quenby 
  • Gordon Setter, Amscot Air Of Success At Boyers owned by Miss J Osborn 
  • Irish Red and White Setter, Sh Ch Charnborough Charisma Of Danwish JW owned by Miss T Gardner 
  • Retriever (Curly Coated), Sh Ch Foxriever Mystic Marvel At Elkysar owned by Mrs M & Mr K Solomon 
  • Spaniel (Clumber), Sh Ch Vanitonia Soloist owned by Mr L A S Cox 
  • Spaniel (Field), Sh Ch Nadavin Expectation Of Vraibleu owned by Mr G & Mrs E Hazell 
  • Spaniel (Irish Water), Sh Ch Fynder Reacher ShCEx owned by Ms L Latheron & Mr M Trenchard 
  • Spaniel (Sussex), Sh Ch Eald Dances With Wolves Among Nyliram JW ShCEx OSW owned by Mr T Graham 
  • Spaniel (Welsh Springer), Sh Ch Nyliram Telling Tales JW ShCEx OSW owned by Mr T Graham 
  • Mastiff, Cyberus Zavier owned by Mrs T & Mr S Andrews 
  • Bearded Collie, Clovabrae Villanelle owned by Mr G & Mrs C Stead 
  • Collie (Smooth), Ch Wynele Strike It Rich To Lewarne JW owned by Miss J Sewell 
  • Lancashire Heeler, Ch Ribblespride Crakemoor owned by Mrs E A & Mr J Thwaite 
  • Welsh Corgi (Cardigan), Ch Pi Et Ra Of Trefilio Borntobe Avalanche JW (Imp Hun) owned by Miss T J Irving