Water/Drive Certificate

Before a dog is entitled to be described as a Field Trial Champion it must also have a Water Certificate.
Proviso for all breeds which Hunt, Point and Retrieve and Spaniels
Before a dog is entitled to be described as a Field Trial Champion it must also have a Water Certificate. The Water Certificate may, but not necessarily, be gained at a special water test. The special water test must have been conducted before two Panel judges, one of whom must be an A, at one of the following: the Hunt, Point and Retrieve Championship, a Field Trial Stake, or at a subsequent special test (J(A)2 refers.
Proviso for all Retrievers
Before any Retriever is entitled to be described as a Field Trial Champion it must also have a Water and Drive Certificate. The Water Certificate may, but not necessarily, be gained at a special water test. The special water test must have been conducted before two Panel judges, one of whom must be an A Panel, at one of the following: the Retriever Championship, a Field Trial Open Stake, or at a subsequent special test. (J(A)2 refers.) The Drive Certificate must be conducted before two Panel judges, one of whom must be an A Panel, at the Retriever Championship or a Field Trial Open Stake.
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