Form 10 - Application for a kennel name


A kennel name is an exclusive breeder signature that is associated with you and your dogs. This is a subscription service to retain the name associated with your dog breeding activities and the joining fee is for the first year of your subscription. There is an initial application fee of £50 and a subscription maintenance fee of £20, totalling £70. A renewal fee of £20 is then payable on an annual basis, which is discounted to £18 if you opt to pay by direct debit.

Payment Methods


  • Free puppy naming service for litter registrations
  • You can include your kennel name within the names of your puppies at the point of registration, plus add to an existing name of a dog in your current registered ownership
  • Once granted, you can share your kennel name with other parties

Terms and conditions

  • A kennel name must be one word only, and at least four and not more than 12 characters
  • The kennel name may only be used for the naming of dogs where the ownership of the kennel name and the registered ownership of the dog are identical
  • There is an initial application fee of £50 and a subscription maintenance fee of £20, totalling £70. A renewal fee of £20 is then payable on an annual basis, which is discounted to £18 if you opt to pay by direct debit.
  • After application the kennel name must be kept active by payment of the annual maintenance fee of £18 or £20


  • Once the application has been processed, the Kennel Name Certificate and covering letter will be dispatched usually within 15 working days of receipt of the application
  • Failure to follow the naming guidelines may result in the application being delayed

Frequently asked questions

What is the naming criteria when applying for a kennel name?

  • A selection of three names should be given in order of preference

  • The kennel name must be one word only, at least four and not more than 12 characters. Hyphens and apostrophes are not permitted

  • The applicant(s) cannot use his/her own surname

  • Full breed names cannot be used within a kennel name e.g. Labrador

  • Common place names, Registered company and trade names cannot be used

Can anybody else use my kennel name?

The use of a kennel name is exclusive to the holder, and cannot be used by anybody else.

Can I use my kennel name for any breed?

Kennel names are not breed specific, you can use it on any dog that is owned by you.

I have a kennel name registered in my name. Can I use it on a dog I own in joint ownership?

To be able to use a kennel name on a dog, the ownership of the dog and the kennel name must match. To be able to use a kennel name on a litter of puppies, the ownership of the dam and the kennel name must match.

I am importing a dog from overseas. Can I add my kennel name?

Providing the ownership of your kennel name matches the ownership of the dog as stated on your Export Pedigree, your kennel name can be added free of charge at the time of registration to the end of your dog's name and you may use a link word.

Can I add my kennel name to a dog that has already been registered?

You can apply to add your kennel name to an existing dog's name, providing a name change has not already taken place, or the dog's name is not published in the stud book and the ownership of the dog must match the ownership of the kennel name.

I did not breed a dog, but I bred both of its parents. Can I add my kennel name to the beginning of the dog's name?

If you are the breeder of a dog, or you bred both of the parents, then you can add your kennel name to the beginning of the dog's name. If you did not breed the dog or its parents, the kennel name must be the last word of the dog's name.

Can I allow somebody else to use my kennel name?

You can apply to vary the interest of your kennel name, which includes adding on new owners, either solely, or in partnership with yourself, by completing form 11 - application to vary the ownership of a kennel name.

How do I cancel my kennel name?

If your kennel name is held in partnership with somebody else, we require written confirmation signed by all parties. If your kennel name is in your ownership only, then we can accept a cancellation via email.

I no longer wish to use my kennel name. Can I give it to someone else?

You can apply to transfer your kennel name to another holder by completing form 11 - application to vary the ownership of a kennel name.

Once I have had a kennel name approved, can I use it straight away?

Once a kennel name is granted, the word is published in The Kennel Club Journal two months later. From this publication, a time period of three months commences, during which time objections are able to be made. Whilst you can use your kennel name instantly on dogs registered with The Kennel Club during this time, we strongly recommend that you do not order any merchandise which contains the kennel name.